data and scripts for T5 phage experiment
To launch it on binder-
and the link- .. image::
Note-Click on the binder image to begin the exercises virtually. Please note, it takes ~35 minutes for the binder image to load. Alternatively, you can install the softwares on your local computer. Just follow the commands in environment.yml and install.R files.
Instructions- Day1- Introduction to ecology of bacteria-phage interactions Day2- R analysis of E.coli resistance to T5 phage Day3- Discussion of student results (as presentations)
Day2- To run the Day2 exercise, run BINDER, on the top right corner open "R-studio", and open "Day2_analysis.R" in virtual R-studio. Each analysis is broken down into "Steps" in the R script. Home-work- Please perform the same analysis on mutant2, mutant3, mutant4 and wild-type. The raw fastq files are in /raw_data/ folder. We will discuss the analysis on Day3.
To visualize the outout, we will use "IGV" software. You can download it on your local computers using this link- Go to File->Open session->Load the "igv_session_mutant1.xml" file You can scroll through the bacterial genome to find variants/mutations in the resistant bam file.
To create your own IGV session-
- Open IGV software
- Genomes->Load Genomes from File->Load the "sequence.fasta" file from /working_data/
- File->load from file->Load the "mutant1.bam" file from /working_data/
- File->load from file->Load the "sorted_mutant1.vcf" from /working_data/
- File->load from file->Load the "filtered_sorted_mutant1.vcf" from /working_data/
- File->save session->Assign a name