A perl script to transfer data from PhotoPrism created YAML sidecar flies to the associated image file's EXIF data.
photo_prism_yaml_to_exif.pl [long options...]
--log_level STR Logging level.
aka --ll
--yaml_dir STR Root direcotry with PhotoPrism YAML sidecard files.
DEFAULT: ( $ENV{'PPYX_YAML_DIR'} || cwd() )
**NOTE: You almost certainly will want to specify this.**
aka --yd
--image_dir STR Root directory with original image files.
DEFAULT: ( $ENV{'PPYX_IMAGE_DIR'} || cwd() )
**NOTE: You almost certainly will want to specify this.**
aka --id
--ignore_dir[=STR...] Directory to ignore.
DEFAULT (<none>) -- don't ignore any directories
May be lsited multiple times.
aka --xd
--dirs_ignore[=STR] Space delimited list of directories to ignore.
aka --dsx
--image_regex Regular expression to match against file name for processing.
May be listed multiple times.
NOTE: Match against *any* listed regex will be processed.
--user_id INT User ID to run as.
aka --uid
--group_id INT Group ID to run as.
aka --gid
--[no-]reprocess_originals Reprocess original files (files with .bak extension).
DEFAULT: false
aka --rpo
--[no-]lattitude add/adjust lattitude.
aka --lat
--[no-]longitude Add/adjust longitude.
aka --long
--[no-]altitude Add/adjust altitude.
aka --alt
--[no-]datetime_original Add/adjust datetime_originial.
aka --dto
--[no-]create_date Add/adjust create_date.
aka --cdt
--[no-]dry_run Say what would be done, but don't actually do it.
DEFAULT: false
aka --dr
--help Print usage message and exit.
If you don't want to install various Perl deps on your system, build a Docker image instead.
docker build -t photo_prism_yaml_to_exif:latest .
With this method, when the script ends you are still within your base system.
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
--mount type=bind,src=<yaml_dir>,dst=/yaml \
--mount type=bind,src=<image_dir>,dst=/images \
jicit/photo_prism_yaml_to_exif:latest \
--yaml_dir /yaml \
--image_dir /images \
<any other desired script options>
With this method, you enter and remain inside the container environment until you specifically exit.
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
--mount type=bind,src=<yaml_dir>,dst=/yaml \
--mount type=bind,src=<image_dir>,dst=/images \
--entrypoint bash \
At this point you're now inside the container and inside the direcotry /usr/src/photo_prism_yaml_to_exif.
You can run the script via:
perl ./photo_prism_yaml_to_exif.pl \
--yaml_dir /yaml \
--image_dir /images \
<any other desired script options>
To exit the container simply use the exit
Correct population of the --dirs_ignore option with its intended implementation like:
--dirs_ignore dir1 dir2 dir3
requires a patch to Getopt::Long::Descriptive.
A patch for Getopt::Long::Descriptive v2.55 is supplied.
See also, Pull Request.
This patch is included in the Docker file and image.
- Find duplicate files (by name) across two directories by Chris Davies.
- Find diffs in files across two directories by asclepix.
- Can be further grep'd to get whatever you might be after.
- Another way to compare two directories by Mateen Ulhaq.
- Example on how to find and move files while excluding specific directories
find . -type f -not -wholename "*/thumb/*" -not -wholename "*/mid/*" -not -iname "*.orig" -exec cp --parents "{}" /mnt/sda1/media/Photos/originals/ \;