Video conferencing web app using and Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services API. Please allow video camera/audio/screen recording permissions to be able to communicate with others via camera/audio/screensharing. Speech to Text chat messaging is supported.
- Potentially changing name to "Anonymous Cafe"?
- Each video + message room would be called a "cafe"
- Live draft on this private repo:
- Known issue: sometimes people joining the cafe won't be able to see other people's video when they join (> 1 total members in 1 cafe)
- Re-design of entire appearance (WIP!) See Figma:
- Checking for accessibility/screen reader tabbing
- Speech to Text fully implemented into chat
- Removed nickname header on videos
- chat works now
- Problem: others' nicknames will only show up if someone else enters the chat
- Screen Sharing now has audio too
- higher contrast between text and background
- changed theme colors
- created containers for video and chat
- created chat window
- chat log has no functionality yet
- added Screen Sharing functionality
- added Nicknames (this is not fully working, will replace other user's name too...)