Web page - http://www.traccar.org
Authors: Anton Tananaev ([email protected]), Vitaly Litvak ([email protected])
Web interface for traccar server.
You can build it yourself easily without installing IDE (eclipse, idea, netbeans, etc.). The only requirement is installed Java Development Kit (JDK) v. 6 or greater:
- Clone my repository
git clone https://github.com/vitalidze/traccar-web.git
- Change to the cloned repo folder
cd traccar-web
- Run build via maven wrapper
On Linux/Unix:
./mvnw package
On Windows:
mvnw package
Build can take several minutes. Once it completes the 'war' file will be under 'target' folder.
Project can be set up in Eclipse.
Eclipse 4.3 with plugins:
- m2e (a.k.a. Maven Integration for Eclipse (Juno and newer))
- m2e-wtp (a.k.a. Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP (Juno))
- google plugin for eclipse
Clone repository:
Go to File >> Import project... Select Maven >> Existing Maven Projects and click 'Next'. Then browse for a folder containing maven project. It should automatically find pom.xml file. Then click 'Next' to check maven goals or click finish.
In project's context menu select Google >> GWT Compile and unfold 'Advanced' section. Put '-war src/main/webapp' In 'Additional compiler arguments' section (this setting will is remembered for further compilations). Then hit 'Compile' button and wait until GWT compilation completes.
Run/Debug project. In project's context menu select Run as >> Web application.
If you are getting "Main type not specified" then go to Run/Debug configuration settings (for example via Run >> Run Configurations... menu), select Web Application >> traccar.html and put
to theMain class
field. -
If it complains about missing
folder then go to Project prefrences >> Java Build Path >> Source(tab) and removesrc/test/java
entry from source entries.
Project can be easily set up in IntelliJ IDEA ultimate.
- Check out from version control, select ‘Git’, enter repository url and set up folder where you want to put project
- Wait until it completes
- Confirm project opening
- Click ‘configure’ link at the green popup appeared at the upper right hand corner to configure detected frameworks:
- Confirm default configuration of JPA:
- Edit Launch configurations:
- Add new GWT Configuration by clicking ‘+’ button
- Set up parameters like on screen shot below:
- Just run or debug this configuration, it will open web browser window with traccar-web application automatically
- Clone repository.
Open Team >> Git >> Clone... menu.
Fill 'Repository URL' with https://github.com/vitalidze/traccar-web.git and leave username/password fields empty
Select remote branches. At least master
, but I recommend to select dev
Leave all values untouched on last page
Wait until cloning completes. This usually takes 3-5 minutes and depends on internet connection speed.
- Open cloned project
Open File >> Open Project...
Select cloned project
- Debug application
Open Debug >> GWT Dev Mode w/o a JEE server
Wait until project is compiled and debug session is started. When it's done there should be a message:
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000
Open Debug >> Attach Debugger...
Just fill port number (8000) and leave all other values with defaults.
A new window named 'GWT Development Mode' should pop up. Hit 'Launch default browser' button and to open traccar web UI.
Apache License, Version 2.0
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.