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This is a repository that contains the code to the python package that I have created for the course ME21003 - Mechanics of Solids. The package contains a module called Beam that can be used to create a beam object. The package also contains a class called math_functions that contains functions to solve add loads on the beam and solve for the shear force and bending moment diagrams.
pip install Lib-mechsolids-abhinav==0.0.1
PyPi link:
We need to have the following libraries installed before using the beam class. To install them(if not already installed), use the following command:
pip install sympy
pip install numpy
pip install matplotlib
- Tested with Sympy version 1.11.1
- Tested with Python version 3.9.13
- Tested with Matplotlib version 3.5.2
- Tested with Numpy version 1.21.5
- Create a new Python file to solve a problem. Import the Beam and math modules as follows:
from Lib_mechsolids_abhinav.Beam import * from Lib_mechsolids_abhinav.math_functions import *
- Create either a Simply Supported Beam or a Cantilever Beam object as follows:
beam = SimplySupportedBeam(NameOfBeam, LengthOfBeam) beam = CantileverBeam(NameOfBeam, LengthOfBeam)
- If the beam is a Simply Supported Beam, then add the supports as follows:
beam.add_supports(Support(PositionOfSupport1, PositionOfSupport2))
where position is the distance of the support from the left end of the beam.
- Create loads using the load class as follows:
load1 = PointLoad(ValueOfLoad, PositionOfLoad) load2 = DistributedLoad(StartPosition, EndPosition, LoadAtStart, LoadAtEnd) load3 = EquationLoad(EquationString, StartPosition, EndPosition, startLoad(=0), endLoad(optional)) # add these loads on the beam beam.add_load(load1) beam.add_load(load2) beam.add_load(load3)
where position is the distance of the load from the left end of the beam.
- To generate the shear force and bending moment diagrams, use the following functions:
beam.plot_sfd_and_bmd() # if you want to plot just the shear force diagram or bending moment diagram, use the following functions: beam.plot_sfd() beam.plot_bmd()