- Install the CRD
openfaas_functions_operato_rs crd install
- Install the Operator in controller mode (in cluster)
openfaas_functions_operato_rs operator controller deploy install
If you would like to see, what exactly is being deployed, you can run the command
openfaas_functions_operato_rs operator controller deploy print
- Now you can create a Function and wait for it to be ready
kubectl apply -f nodeinfo.yaml
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready openfaasfunctions -n openfaas-fn nodeinfo
- Run the Operator in controller mode
openfaas_functions_operato_rs operator controller run
- Mount the kubeconfig file to the container
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.kube:/home/app/.kube openfaas_functions_operato_rs:latest operator controller run
docker run --rm -it -v ${USERPROFILE}/.kube:/home/app/.kube openfaas_functions_operato_rs:latest operator controller run
- Uninstall the CRD
openfaas_functions_operato_rs crd uninstall
Uninstalling the CRD will automatically delete all the Functions
- Uninstall the Operator
openfaas_functions_operato_rs operator controller deploy uninstall
Uninstalling the Operator will not delete the Functions. The Functions will no longer be managed by the Operator.
- Delete a Function
kubectl delete -f nodeinfo.yaml
openfaas_functions_operato_rs --help
- The Function CRD is based on the
OpenFaaS Function CRD
with optional fields
- Jad K. Haddad [email protected]
© 2023 Jad K. Haddad Licensed under the Creative Commons Legal Code License