A repository of all of my projects and coding solutions/shenanigans.
Quick Links: Personal Projects | Course Projects | Smaller Problems Solved
Highlights: Discord Bot (WIP) | GANimation | Anomaly Detection in Chest X-Rays
- Discord Bot - Discord bot that is intended on having multiple purposes, but currently has commands primarily related to the browser-based nation simulator game Politics and War. (WIP)
- Scripts - Miscellaneous scripts I've written for a variety of purposes.
- Java Math Library - My own math library in Java that doesn't currently have much. (WIP)
- FBLA Competition Website - Basic website for a fictitious accounting firm made for the 2018 Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) web design competition. (Never Fully Completed)
- PnWKit Python - Added documentation comments, so they appear on the documentation website and detail what each field is.
- Pokemon TCG SDK PHP - Attempting to fix issues where IDEs like Visual Studio Code show "no such method" while still working, attempting to add more complex queries, and generally trying to improve user friendliness.
- Flappucinno - Refactored code to be more Pythonic, added some features (i.e.: window resizability), removed ability for player to enter negative height, and implemented changes mentioned in other pull requests.
- GANimation - Applying generative adversarial networks to perform video interpolation. This was our Computer Science senior project at Florida Southern College.
- Anomaly Detection in Chest X-Rays - Applying a convolutional neural network to identify anomalies (i.e.: COVID, tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.) in chest x-rays. This was my Mathematics senior seminar project at Florida Southern College.
- FSC File Share - File sharing website intended for Florida Southern College students to share works that they are proud of. This is my Honors project at Florida Southern College. (WIP - Not Public)
- CSC 4610 - Advanced Topics in Web Development
- Printing and Using GET - Performs some basic printing and GET array accessing in PHP.
- Cat Website - Displays information about a few cats in a database.
- Improved Cat Website - Improves upon the previous by adding ways to interact with the cat database and filter the cats by age.
- Laravel Version of Cat Website - Implements the above cat website in Laravel and adding a user system.
- PokeTCG Card Manager - Website for looking at Pokemon cards and managing your collection(s) and deck(s).
- CSC 3620 - Web Application Architectures
- Basic Matching Game - A basic matching game website made with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Simple Monster Battle App
- Simple Quote Tracker
- Basic Pokemon Vue App
- Basic Personal Vue Website
- CSC 3610 - Introduction to Web Development
- Basic Personal Website - Basic HTML personal website.
- Replicating a Website - Uses HTML and CSS to replicate an image of a website.
- Implementing Bootstrap - Implements Bootstrap to make a responsive website.
- Interactive Color Identifier - Implements JavaScript to make an interactive game (color identifier).
- Weather Girl Website - Implements JavaScript to call an API and get weather data for a website.
- CSC 3520 - Machine Learning
- Naive Bayesian Classifier - Implements a naive bayesian classifier to categorize articles given word frequencies.
- Decision Tree - Implements a decision tree to predict Parkinson's disease.
- Decision Boundaries - Visualizes the decision boundary of a neural network with one hidden layer.
- K-Nearest Neighbors and Support Vector Machine - Implements a KNN and SVM to classify samples from the MNIST digits dataset.
- Predicting Spotify Song Popularity - Implements a decision tree and neural network to predict the popularity of a song on Spotify.
- CSC 3510 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- Worlde Player - A simple AI player for the game Wordle implementing letter frequency and vector analyses. The file syntaxscholars_ai.py is our AI player.
- Robby BFS - Implements breadth first search to solve mazes.
- Pancakes GBFS and Rubiks A* Search - Implements greedy best first search to solve the Pancake sorting problem and implements A* search to solve rubiks cubes.
- CSC 3280 - Data Structures
- FSC Car Clean - Simulates a car wash using stacks, queues, and objects.
- FSC Gradebook - Simulates a gradebook using arrays, singly linked lists, and objects.
- FSC Recurse - Implements four basic recursive functions.
- FSC Sharing is Caring - Simulates a "proposed" network using binary search trees, linked lists, and objects.
- Mocs Bank - Simulates a student banking system.
- MAT 3100 - Foundations of Data Analytics
- Multiple Regression Linear Model - Creates a multiple linear regression model from the four variables of interest.
- All Combinations of Models - Creates linear regression models from all combinations of the four variables of interest to test which is best.
- AP Computer Science Principles Create Task - Incredibly basic "mental health tester/screener" made in both JavaScript and Python back when I was still learning both.