This release brings new ergonomic enhancements for type refinements, ScalaCheck support and some minor fixes.
Main changes
Better compile-time errors
Compile-time errors (constraint not satisfied or not evaluable) are now fancier and more helpful:
def log(x: Double :| Positive): Double = Math.log(x)
-- Constraint Error --------------------------------------------------------
Could not satisfy a constraint for type scala.Double.
Value: -1.0
Message: Should be strictly positive
val runtimeValue: Double = ???
-- Constraint Error --------------------------------------------------------
Cannot refine non full inlined input at compile-time.
To test a constraint at runtime, use the `refine` extension method.
Note: Due to a Scala limitation, already-refined types cannot be tested at compile-time (unless proven by an `Implication`).
Inlined input: runtimeValue
Refine further
You can now refine an already-refined constraints incrementally. This is particularly useful for fine-grained validation errors. Example from the docs:
type Username = DescribedAs[Alphanumeric, "Username should be alphanumeric"]
type Password = DescribedAs[
Alphanumeric & MinLength[5] & Exists[Letter] & Exists[Digit],
"Password should have at least 5 characters, be alphanumeric and contain at least one letter and one digit"
case class User(name: String :| Username, password: String :| Password)
def createUser(name: String, password: String): Either[String, User] =
validName <- name.refineEither[Username]
alphanumeric <- password.refineEither[Alphanumeric]
minLength <- alphanumeric.refineFurtherEither[MinLength[5]]
hasLetter <- minLength.refineFurtherEither[Exists[Letter]]
validPassword <- hasLetter.refineFurtherEither[Exists[Digit]]
User(validName, validPassword)
createUser("Iltotore", "abc123") //Right(User("Iltotore", "abc123"))
createUser("Iltotore", "abc1") //Left("Should have a minimum length of 5")
createUser("Iltotore", "abcde") //Left("At least one element: (Should be a digit)")
createUser("Iltotore", "abc123 ") //Left("Should be alphanumeric")
Assuming constraints
You can now assume that a constraint holds using the .assume[C]
. It basically acts like an alias for asInstanceOf[A :| C]
val x: Int :| GreaterEqual[0] = util.Random.nextInt(10).assume //Compiles
Scalacheck support
Iron now provides via the iron-scalacheck
instances for refined types:
import io.github.iltotore.iron.*
import io.github.iltotore.iron.constraint.numeric.*
import io.github.iltotore.iron.scalacheck.numeric.given
forAll { (x: Int :| Positive) => x > 0 } //Success
All refined types (including custom ones) are supported but some constraints have customized and more optimized generators.
- @vbergeron: #107 and #112
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0