Releases: ITSec-Chile/Waf2Py
Waf2Py 1.0
In this tar are the components already compiled for a Debian 10 system.
To install just execute the installer script.
Tested in Debian 10 (No docker).
Components for this build:
Waf2Py 1.0 App
Web2Py 2.20.2
Nginx version: openresty
ModSecurity v3 - libmodsecurity3
Modsecurity Nginx connector
OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS) 3.3
The password for WAF2Py is: admin:admin
The password for admin (framework admin) is: w4f2py4dm1n
Please change it (need to be in command line)
cd /home/www-data/waf2py_community
python3 -c "from gluon.widget import console; console(3);"
python3 -c "from gluon.main import save_password; save_password(input('Choose an admin password for web2py admin: '),62443)"
After the installation you need to run the command "crontab -e" as "root", select an editor and save the file without making any change.
waf2py need crontajobs but they will are not active until crontab: installing new crontab message is returned
root@debian:/home/chris# crontab -e
Select an editor. To change later, run 'select-editor'.
1. /bin/nano <---- easiest
2. /usr/bin/vim.tiny
Choose 1-2 [1]: 1
**crontab: installing new crontab**
For updates go to /home/www-data/waf2py_community/applications/Waf2Py/ and do: git pull
This bundle was downloaded from