Change Logs
PluginContext API changes
New APIs
- HasTargetedCF()
to indicate whether the user has targeted Cloud Foundry
- CF()
returns the CFContext which has the following methods:
APIVersion(): returns the CF api version
APIEndpoint(): returns the CF api endpoint
HasAPIEndpoint(): indicates whether the CF has api endpoint set
DopplerEndpoint(): returns the CF doppler api endpoint
UAAEndpoint(): returns the CF UAA token service endpoint
IsLoggedIn(): indicates whether user has logged into CF
Username(): returns the user name of the CF UAA user
UserEmail(): returns the email of the CF UAA user
UserGUID(): returns the user guid of the CFF UAA user
UAAToken(): returns the UAA access token
UAARefreshToken(): returns the UAA refresh token
CurrentOrganization(): returns the current organization the user has targeted
HasTargetedOrganization(): indicates whether the user has targeted an organization
CurrentSpace(): returns the current space the user has targeted
HasTargetedSpace(): indicates whether the user has targeted a space
Updated APIs
only checks whether the user has logged in IBM Cloud. Use CF().IsLoggedIn()
to check whether the user has logged in CF
changed to CurrentRegion()
changed to CurrentAccount()
changed to CurrentResourceGroup()
changed to CF().CurrentOrganization()
changed to CF().HasTargetedOrganization()
changed to CF().CurrentSpace()
changed to CF().HasTargetedSpace()
Deleted APIs
- Username()
, given username is not retrievable from IAM token
- UserGUID()
, given userGUID is not retrievable from IAM token
Other changes
Command meta data adds Hidden
field to hide the command when showing help message
Developer guide adds API doc link
trace logger sanitizes X-Auth* header and token in request body
SDK version is now stored in config file of the plugin
Defect fixing
incorrect padding for cells with unicode
terminal issue for ssh on ppc64le
prints message to trace logger
skip-ssl-validation setting not picked by cf config
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