An adult content aggregator app.
- Supports many Providers: Supported providers include: Pornhub, xHamster and many more (coming soon).
- Completely Free: Full access to all features with no hidden fees or subscriptions.
- Offline viewing: Download content for offline viewing from any provider (coming soon).
- Easy management: Favorite videos, subscriptions (coming soon), and watch history all in one place.
- Privacy-Focused: Designed with privacy-first principles to ensure data security and discretion (coming soon).
- Open Source: Free and open-source, allowing anyone to contribute or verify the app security.
- Modern Design: A sleek and intuitive interface built with Flutter.
- Supports all platforms: iOS (coming soon), Android, Windows (coming soon), MacOS (coming soon) and Linux (flatpak coming soon).
- Download and install the flutter sdk
- Clone the repository:
git clone --depth=1 viewer
- Change directory:
cd viewer
- Get the dependencies:
flutter pub get
- Depending on your platform run:
- Android:
flutter build apk --debug
orflutter build apk --release
- To build arch-specific:
flutter build apk --release --split-per-abi
- iOS: Not yet supported
- Linux:
flutter build linux --debug
orflutter build linux --release
- Windows: Not yet supported
- MacOS: Not yet supported
- Android:
- Download and install the flutter sdk
- Clone the repository:
git clone --depth=1 viewer
- Change directory:
cd viewer
- Get the dependencies:
flutter pub get
- Generate mocks:
flutter pub run build_runner build
- Run the tests:
flutter test
- Search bar design inspired by InnerTune
- Some widget code was adapted from Revanced Manager
- Comments section & video gridview inspired by LibreTube