First Public Beta 🎉
This Release marks the first public beta of the Code::Stats client App.
Android builds can be found below. Be sure to download for your phone's architecture. It is probably arm64-v8a
, if you have a recent android phone.
Important: After installation, please navigate to the app settings (top-right corner) to set your username. This is required for the app to load properly - without it, the home screen loading indicator will continue spinning indefinitely.
Known Issues in this build:
- Language card background colors may not contrast enough. This should be fixed in the next release
- Language name may overflow when it is too long
- Heatmap has a weird Dec at the start
- When first installed, the home screen just loads forever due to empty username. Be sure to provide one in the settings first!
Full Changelog: https://github.com/HarshNarayanJha/codestats_client/commits/v1.0.0-beta1