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For install dependencies. Run

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to start

Install all dependencies and create configuration files.

If you want use our selections use this command:

git lfs pull

We have configuration files in research/data directory here

In this directory you can find README with description of configs.

For evaluation script use this command:

python3 research/evaluate/ -s <config>

For training script use this command:

python3 research/train/ -s <config>


Models are presented here

Solo models

Number of expetiment Augmentation Network architecture Additional params Accuracy
1 A ResNet18 Epoch 18 0.9028
2 A ResNet18 Epoch 1 0.8897
3 A MobileNetV2 Epoch 1 0.8892
4 A MobileNetV2 Epoch 6 0.8850
5 A MobileNet Epoch 7 0.8839
6 A ResNet50 Epoch 7 0.8948
7 A ResNet50 Epoch 17 0.8949
8 B ResNet18 Epoch 2 0.9016
9 B ResNet18 Epoch 3 0.9044
10 B ResNet18 Epoch 6 0.9072
11 B ResNet18 Epoch 9 0.9080
12 B ResNet18 Epoch 12 0.8985
13 B ResNet18 Epoch 22 0.8878
14 B DenseNet169 Epoch 3 0.8999
15 B DenseNet169 Epoch 5 0.9084
16 B DenseNet169 Epoch 9 0.9042
17 B MeNet456 Epoch 13 0.8975
18 B MeNet456 Epoch 18 0.8947
19 B MeNet456 Epoch 20 0.9047
20 B MeNet456 Epoch 21 0.9023
21 B MeNet456 Epoch 29 0.9103
22 B MeNet456 Epoch 31 0.9033
23 C MeNet456* Epoch 3 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9510
24 C Dense121* Epoch 20(Last Layer) + Epoch 18 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9745
25 C Dense121* Epoch 20(Last Layer) + Epoch 16 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9742
26 C Dense169* Epoch 23 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9710
27 C Dense169* Epoch 13 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9695
28 C ResNet18* Epoch 17 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9684
29 C ResNet18* Epoch 18 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9685
30 C Dense121* Epoch 20 + Input 96x96 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9655
31 C Dense121* Epoch 18 + Input 96x96 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9632
32 C Dense121* Epoch 14 + Input 96x96 + Output 1x1 + Dropout 0.9665
  • We use these layers instead fully-connected layer (layer with output 1000 ImageNet classes) for modeles marked *
    num_ftrs = net.fc.in_features
    out_ftrs = int(net.fc.out_features / 4)
    net.fc = nn.Sequential(
        nn.Linear(num_ftrs, out_ftrs, bias=True),
        nn.Linear(in_features=out_ftrs, out_features=1, bias=True),


Number of expetiment Threshold Number network from prev. table Accuracy
1 Without threshold 1, 3, 6 - 12 0.9515
2 > 0.8 = 1 1, 3, 6 - 12 0.9510
3 > 0.5 = 1 1, 3, 6 - 12 0.9484
4 Without threshold 1, 9 - 11 0.9345
5 Without threshold 1, 3, 6 - 12, 14-16 0.9539
6 Without threshold 1, 3, 7 - 11, 14-16 0.9521
7 Without threshold 1, 3, 6 - 12, 14-16, 19-22 0.9577
8 Without threshold 1, 8-11, 15, 16, 19-22 0.9544
9 Without threshold 24, 25 0.9746
10 Without threshold 24-29 0.9771
11 Without threshold 6 TTA of 24 0.9752
12 Without threshold 24-32 0.9783

Types of augmentation


# pretrained ImageNet network
T.ColorJitter(brightness=0.5, contrast=0.5),
T.RandomRotation((0, 5)),
T.Normalize(mean, std) # ImageNet


# pretrained ImageNet network
T.ColorJitter(brightness=0.5, contrast=0.5),
T.RandomRotation((-90, 90)),
T.Normalize(mean, std) # ImageNet


# pretrained ImageNet network
albumentations.Resize(224, 224)
albumentations.CLAHE(clip_limit=2), albumentations.IAASharpen(), albumentations.IAAEmboss(),
albumentations.RandomBrightness(), albumentations.RandomContrast(),
albumentations.JpegCompression(), albumentations.Blur(), albumentations.GaussNoise()], p=0.5),
albumentations.ShiftScaleRotate(shift_limit=0.15, scale_limit=0.15, rotate_limit=45, p=0.5),