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# Running backend containers

       On /api directory, run these commands on CLI:

              docker compose build
              docker compose up
              docker exec insurance-php composer install
              docker exec insurance-php php artisan migrate
              docker exec insurance-php php artisan db:seed

# Running frontend container

       On /web directory, run these commands on CLI:

              docker compose build
              docker compose up

# Ready to go

       That's all you need to access the application on browser: http://localhost:5173.
       User to login and test (or create a new user account):

              email:        [email protected]
              password:     12345678

# Reeinstall if its necessary

       If something gets wrong you must clean all to try reinstall:

              docker compose down
              docker volume rm api_insurance-volume

# Running automated tests

       Take a look on test coverage results in /test-coverage-result/index.html.

       To run all tests again, after build up the backend containers, run this command on CLI:

              docker exec insurance-php php artisan test
              docker exec insurance-php php artisan test --coverage-html=test-coverage-result
       Know that tests will erase all database, to recover state just run seeds again:

              docker exec insurance-php php artisan db:seed

# Resources

       You can see some screenshots on /resources folder if you don't want run all of it just to check the application working on. 

       If you are curious about the requirements of the job test, theres a code challenge description on /resources folder.

       Theres a complete postman collection on /resources folder that you can import to try backend api.


# Useful instructions

       Steps to install laravel sanctum:

              docker exec insurance-php composer create-project laravel/laravel .

              docker exec insurance-php php artisan install:api

              docker exec insurance-php composer update

              docker exec insurance-php php artisan migrate

              docker exec insurance-php php artisan db:seed