🔭 I’m currently working on: GlumSak
🌱 I’m currently learning: C#, C++ and a little of Python
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact: I love flashy colors, specially hair colors, nail colors and flashy clothing
💰 Support me with a tip: My Patreon
More info:
Lots of the projects here on my Github are more or less just "proof of concepts", I work on countless things at the same time while my head already goes over the next, it's quite exhausting but fun. As of april 2024, I got more than 100 projects already on my drives (excluding published projects), most of them not finished or put on hold, I have been putting my all in learning and creating anything imagineable in tech since october 2021. I suffer alot from anxiety, depression and general worthless type of feelings and every day feels like it doubles down. And this here is where I get my strenght from to keep going, showing myself every once in a while what I accomplished, on github, nexusmods and general online presence keeps on motivating me.
This year (2024) I decided to dive deeper into the realm of reverse engineering and general more low level things, in addition to that, I will from now on take more time to finish my projects instead of rushing out new ones in a single night (Yea, half of the stuff I have put here has been created in less than a day).