Easy to use Reminder CLI
remind 1d "code tomorrow"
remind minute "egg ready" repeat 4
remind remove "egg" # fuzzy remove
remind 12:30:15 feb 28 2029
remind monday fri "study"
remind weekly work "go to work" # 5 days a week, at current time
remind weekend "rest" rep 8
remind skip 2 "rest" # skip 2 weekends cause boss sucks
remind daily 11am workout
remind undo
remind list
remind clear
remind help
- command aliases (lot of them)
- simplicity
- windows notification popups
- simple reminders.txt data file
- minimal cpu usage background task
- undo + history
compile it via cargo and add executable folder to environment path then create remind.vbs in startup folder (WIN+R and type shell:startup)
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run """remind.exe""", 0, False
this creates background daemon on every log in automatically which is responsible for actually pushing the notifications
then just run remind commands anywhere
remind day "code"
- reminders are saved in
- technically this should work on linux, but it's untested