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Server Settings

ζeh Matt edited this page Aug 6, 2017 · 6 revisions

Common server settings

lambda_gametype <string>

This controls the current gametype, currently only "hl2" is supported, we plan on supporting ep1 and ep2. You can check Game Types for more details.

lambda_max_respawn_timeout <seconds>

Allows to control the maximum amount of time before the player can respawn, keep in mind that respawn times are scaled by the amount of players alive.

lambda_map_restart_timeout <seconds>

Specifies the time before the round restarts when all players are dead. The value is clamped between 1 and 255 seconds.

lambda_map_change_timeout <seconds>

This is the timeout value before a changelevel is forced when the first player enters the changelevel trigger.

lambda_pickup_delay <seconds>

Controls the delay before a player can pickup some object. This cvar blocks players using objects to fly around. If you want to remove the limit set it to 0.