An affordable, adorable, powerful hotkey device to run macros, play funny sounds, mute your microphone, change paint brush settings, or manage items in OBS! It can even have RGB or show PC stats!
(TODO: physical image here)
While this project is public, it is not ready for any sort of prime time.
If you are the proud owner of a new JukeBox, or are building your own, take a look at the getting started doc.
Sadly, not every program is compatible with these additional function keys, and some do not allow the use of these keys. There is a running list here of what programs do and do not work with the keys provided by JukeBox.
Each component of the project is built as it is updated. You can grab the latest version of each below. Nightly links provided by
Software, Windows (N/A) | Software, Linux | Firmware | Hardware, Case | Hardware, PCB |
Copyright (c) 2020-2025 Logan "NotQuiteApex" Hickok-Dickson
All programming files, found in firmware/
, software/
, and hardware-case/
, are licensed under the MIT license. All CAD files, found in hardware-pcb/
, unless otherwise provided by an external source such as footprints or 3D models, are licesned under the CC BY-NC-SA license. Both licenses can be found with the given links or as files in the root of this repostiory.
If you would like to sell a variation of the board designed by you, reach out and an alternative license can be discussed and granted.