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OF Config Demo

Magnus Henoch edited this page Oct 29, 2013 · 11 revisions

OF-Config demonstration

Note that while the default port for NETCONF over SSH is 830, in this example we use 1830 to get around the need for root privileges to use a port number below 1024.

1. Init

Start LINC without any controllers

The default sys.config for LINC has no controllers configured:

$ make
$ ./rel/linc/bin/linc console

However, if you are using the LINC environment, you will need to modify the configuration after running ping_example setup. Open /home/vagrant/development/linc/rel/linc/releases/1.0/sys.config and change this line:




Then start LINC with ping_example switch as usual.

Start the controller (LINC built-in Erlang Controller)

The controller can be started either before or after adding it to the LINC configuration. Here we do it before:

$ cd $LINC_ROOT/scripts
$ ./  [Note: use this for running it against OF 1.3.1 Switch)
Erlang R15B02 (erts-5.9.2) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.9.2  (abort with ^G)

Using the Ryu controller

$ $RYU_ROOT/bin/ryu-manager --verbose $LINC_ROOT/scripts/ryu/

Connect with enetconf_client

$ cd $LINC_ROOT/deps/enetconf
$ make run_client
1> {ok, C} = enetconf_client:connect("localhost", [{port, 1830}, {user, "linc"}, {password, "linc"}]).
{ok, <0.XXX.0>}

Connect with Yuma

After building and installing Yuma few different applications become available via command line. One of them is yangcli, which is interactive client for Netconf.

Create a bash script file which will run yangcli. Running this script will connect to the enetconf or other Netconf server, exchange packets and wait for interactive input. You can read about yangcli commands and syntax here:

yangcli --server=localhost --ncport=1830 --user=guest --password=guest

2. Check there are no controllers configured

We can check that no controllers are configured with OF-Config:

Using enetconf_client

2> {ok, X} = enetconf_client:get_config(C, running).
{ok, <<"<?xml ... ">>}
3> io:format("~p~n", [X]).
<<"<?xml ... <rpc-reply ... <controllers/> ... ">>
Detailed formatted output may look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="0">
      <capable-switch xmlns="urn:onf:of111:config:yang">
               <controllers />

Using Yuma

Connect to yangcli as described above. Type in yangcli:

get-config source=running

Directly on LINC

We can also check directly on the LINC switch:

1> rr(of_config).
[capabilities, capable_switch ...]
2> supervisor:which_children(linc:lookup(0, channel_sup)).
3> linc_ofconfig:get_switch_state(0).
{[], [#logical_switch{... controllers = [], ...

3. Add a controller via OF-Config

We now add a new controller to the LINC configuration using the edit-config operation.

Using enetconf_client

4> Controller = {controller, [{id, ["Controller0"]},
                              {'ip-address', [""]},
                              {port, ["6633"]}, {protocol, ["tcp"]}]},
   Config = {'capable-switch', [{xmlns, "urn:onf:of111:config:yang"}],
             [{id, ["CapableSwitch0"]}, {'logical-switches',
              [{'switch', [{id, ["LogicalSwitch0"]}, {'datapath-id', ["11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11"]},
               {enabled, ["true"]}, {controllers, [Controller]}]}]}]}.
{'capable-switch', ...
5> {ok, Y} = enetconf_client:edit_config(C, running, {xml, Config}).
{ok, <<"<?xml ... <rpc-reply ...

Using Yuma

Yuma is capable of complex commands involving calling get/edit-config and operations on XML subtrees. Simplest operation without manually picking up subtrees and keys is edit-config: replace whole config with file contents.

Prepare a configuration in XML file, say config1.xml. Run:

edit-config target=running [email protected]

or more complex example

edit-config target=candidate default-operation=merge test-option=test error-option=stop-on-error\
            [email protected]

4. Check that a new controller was added

We can see that LINC connected to the controller on the controller side:

XX:XX:XX.XXX [info] Accepted connection from #Port<0.XXXX> {{127,0,0,1}, XXXXX}

We can confirm that using get-config operation:

Using enetconf_client

6> {ok, Z} = enetconf_client:get_config(C, running).
{ok, <<"<?xml ... ">>}
7> io:format("~p~n", [Z]).
<<"<?xml ... <rpc-reply ... <controllers><controller ... </controllers> ... ">>
Formatted output may look like below. Note that controller to LogicalSwitch1 was added.  The data path ID & IP address of controller in this example is different from the above used data path id of 11:11:...:11 and controller IP of as it is from real output.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rpc-reply xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="2">
      <capable-switch xmlns="urn:onf:of111:config:yang">

Using Yuma

Same as above, execute command in yangcli console:

get-config source=running

Directly on LINC

4> supervisor:which_children(linc:lookup(0, channel_sup)).
[{'', <0.XXX.0>, worker, [ofs_receiver]}]
5> linc_ofconfig:get_switch_state(0).
{[], [#logical_switch{... controllers = [#controller{ ... }], ...