A Paystack capacitor plugin for Android and iOS
This plugin enables seamless integration of the Paystack SDK into a Capacitor application.
To install this plugin, run the NPM command below in your Capacitor project's root folder
npm i capacitor-paystack-plugin
Then open your project in Android Studio with
npx cap open android
or XCode with
npx cap open ios
In your Android Studio project, add the following line to the list of plugins in your project, if any
In your project folder, run the command below to update your Android Studio/XCode project
npx cap sync
Setup complete!
To charge a card,
//Import the paystack plugin
import { PaystackPlugin } from '@bot101/capacitor-paystack-plugin';
//Create a paystack object
const paystack: PaystackPlugin; = new PaystackPlugin();
//Initialize the SDK with your Paystack public key (found in your Paystack developer account dashboard)
await this.paystack.initialize({publicKey: "pk_public key here"});
//Add customer card information
await this.paystack.addCard({
cardNumber: String(cardNumber),
expiryMonth: String(expiryMonth),
expiryYear: String(expiryYear),
cvv: String(cvv)
//Add the email to charge
await this.paystack.setChargeEmail({email: "[email protected]"});
//Set the amount to charge the card (in kobo)
await this.paystack.setChargeAmount({amount: '1000000'});
//Optionally add custom fields, metadata and charge parameters (more information in the Paystack docs)
await this.paystack.putChargeCustomFields({customField1: "field1", customField2: "field2"});
await this.paystack.putChargeMetadata({metaData1: "meta1", metaData2: "meta2"});
await this.paystack.addChargeParameters({param1: "param1", param2: "param2"});
//Call chargeCard to charge the card
const chargeResponse = await this.paystack.chargeCard();
return chargeResponse.reference;
To charge an access code
//After initializing the plugin as detailed above
//Add customer card information
await this.paystack.addCard({
cardNumber: String(cardNumber),
expiryMonth: String(expiryMonth),
expiryYear: String(expiryYear),
cvv: String(cvv)
//Set the access code retrieved from your web server
await this.paystack.setAccessCode({accessCode});
//Call chargeCard to charge the card
const chargeResponse = await this.paystack.chargeCard();
return chargeResponse.reference;
To get a card type
const cardInfo = await this.paystack.getCardType()
console.log(cardInfo.card_type) //"Visa", "Mastercard", e.t.c
Tests are not yet setup
Build your application and you are good to go!
Yet to setup
- Okafor Ikenna - Github
This project is licensed under the MIT License