A project with all core elements set up. It includes app navigation, basic controls, REST API access and offline caching.
The example offers a best-practice solution how to separate model, view and logic components in your Felgo app. A clean component architecture and data-flow helps to keep create readable code, avoids bugs and makes maintenance or refactoring easy.
You can also find a comprehensive guide about this topic here: https://felgo.com/doc/apps-howto-model-view-separation/
For more information about creating Apps with the Felgo SDK, see here: http://felgo.com/apps/.
This app was made with Felgo SDK. You need the SDK which is freely available on http://felgo.com/ for all desktop platforms.
- Go to http://felgo.com/, register, download and install the free Felgo SDK.
- Clone the repository.
- Open the project file .pro in QtCreator (comes with Felgo SDK).
- Hit run to start the app.
If you need any help feel free to ask in the Felgo Forums https://felgo.com/developers/forums/ or have a look at our online documentation http://felgo.com/doc/.
Currently there are no features open, but if you like to contribute use the code standards coming with the Felgo SDK.
Felgo Team
V-Play GmbH
- Forum: https://felgo.com/developers/forums/
- Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/FelgoSDK/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FelgoSDK/
- E-Mail: [email protected]
The app sourcecode is released under the MIT license.
Permission is NOT granted to merge, publish, distribute, sublicense and/or sell the provided image, audio and video files of this software.
If You have any questions about those Agreements, please write to [email protected] or visit http://felgo.com/.