Note: FPPOS level has been updated to 2025.02. This was done to include some OS level security patches such as updates to rsync and others that have critical security vulnerabilities.
- "Alpha Level" support for PocketBeagle2
- This is a work in progress and will likely have many more updates on the "8.5-bb64" branch as work continues
- Currently supports "BB48String" based capes such as the K4-PB, K8-PB, K40-PB and Scott Hanson's PB_16 and others
- Allow plugins to get a notification on playlist insertion so it can prepare necessary changes (may require plugin rebuilds/re-install)
- Volume button labels
- Add Help menu item for reporting bug
- Add dmesg reporting to "Troubleshooting" on all platforms
- Move file manage filters setting to bottom of screen
- Collect stats on a few additional settings
- Add support for PCF8563 RTC
Bug Fixes (since 8.4.1)
- Don't crash if invalid start channel is set for various outputs
- If plugin script disappears while fppd is running (example: plugin uninstalled) don't polute logs with stack traces
- Return proper 404 for api/file/sequence if no file given
- Fix some scaling issues with PlaylistEntryImage
- Fix bug in DPI and BBBShiftString that may only allow 49 pixels on unlicensed capes instead of 50
- Fix /api/sequence to only return fseq file
- Relax file name sanitization on deletes in file manager
- Add fpp user to dialout group
- Fix description on Tethering page to not reference connman as we no longer use it
- Fix extra display of channel counts on Other page
- Fix reporting of mixer devices from cards with more than one mixer
- Fix saving of PWM outputs
- Fix install of Kiosk mode after fppos update
- Fix some out of memory conditions when creating backups
Installation Instructions
If you have a system running 8.x, you can go to the FPP about page (about.php) and click on the "Manual Update" button. At that point, a big green "Upgrade" bar should appear on the main status page. Click on that to start the update process. It may take a long time to upgrade. Likely 5-10 minutes. You will need to reboot after the upgrade is complete to finish the upgrade process. However, that will not get the OS level updates that address various security vulnerabilities. It is recommended to do the FPPOS update instead.
For users of FPP 7.x or older, it is strongly recommended to do a full "OS Level" upgrade or re-image instead of attempting to upgrade directly from any older FPP version. There are several new features that will not work if an OS level upgrade is not done. There are two ways to do so:
Re-image - you can backup your 7.x configuration, create a new image, and restore the configuration.
In-place upgrade - this requires you to have FPP 5.5 and all the updates for 5.5 or FPP 6.x/7.x already running on the device. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Then go to the about page. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. Click it and wait a LONG time. When done, it should reboot into 8.3. At that point, go to the Uploads tab of the FPP File Manager and delete the fppos file. An alternate method to do an in-place upgrade if you are only upgrading one device AND the device has internet connectivity, is to select the 8.3 fppos (download) file and then click on the Upgrade OS button. This will download the fppos file and then install it as mentioned above. This will still take a LONG time and if you are doing this on more than one device, you will essentially be downloading the same file multiple times so is probably not the best way.
NOTE: In SOME cases, the reboot will fail due to library replacement. In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running.
Selecting an image
For Raspberry Pi series use this image
For Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Green, PocketBeagle, and Beaglebone Green Gateway use this image
For PocketBeagle2 use this image: