List of Kata authored by donaldsebleung on Codewars
- Be Concise I - The Ternary Operator
- Be Concise II - I Need Squares
- Be Concise III - Sum Squares
- Be Concise IV - Index of an element in an array
- Fun with ES6 Classes #1 - People, people, people
- Fun with ES6 Classes #2 - Animals and Inheritance
- Fun with ES6 Classes #3 - Cuboids, Cubes and Getters
- Fun with ES6 Classes #4 - Cubes and Setters
- SpeedCode #3 × Fun with ES6 Classes #5 - Dogs and Classes
- Fun with ES6 Classes #6 - Fake Files (Basic)
- Factory Functions #1 - Creating profile for people
- Factory Functions #2 - Inheritance and Object Composition
- SpeedCode #4 × Factory Functions #3 - Artefacts
- SpeedCode #1 - Getters and Setters in Object Literals
- SpeedCode #2 - Array Madness
- SpeedCode #3 × Fun with ES6 Classes #5 - Dogs and Classes
- SpeedCode #4 × Factory Functions #3 - Artefacts
- Object-Oriented PHP #1 - Classes, Public Properties and Methods
- Object-Oriented PHP #2 - Class Constructors and $this
- Object-Oriented PHP #3 - Class Constants and Static Methods
- Object-Oriented PHP #4 - People, people, people (Practice)
- Object-Oriented PHP #5 - Classical Inheritance
- Object-Oriented PHP #6 - Visibility
- Object-Oriented PHP #7 - The "Final" Keyword
- Object-Oriented PHP #8 - Interfaces [Advanced]
- Object-Oriented PHP #9 - Abstract Classes [Advanced]
- Object-Oriented PHP #10 - Objects on the Fly [Advanced]
- PHP Functions - Default Arguments
- PHP Functions - Pass by Reference
- PHP Functions - Splat Operator
- PHP Functions - Anonymous Functions (aka Closures)
- PHP Functions - Type Declarations
- PHP Functions - Return Type Declarations
- PHP Functions - Accessing Global Variables
- PHP Functions - The "Use" Keyword
- PHP in Action #1 - Introduction to Superglobals [Fundamentals]
- PHP in Action #2 - HTTP GET Method [Fundamentals]
- PHP in Action #3 - HTTP POST Method, Input Sanitation and Input Validation [Fundamentals]
- PHP in Action #4 - Mailing Scripts
- PHP in Action #5 - PHPMailer Intro
- Esolang Interpreters #1 - Introduction to Esolangs and My First Interpreter (MiniStringFuck)
- Esolang Interpreters #2 - Custom Smallfuck Interpreter
- Esolang Interpreters #3 - Custom Paintfuck Interpreter
- Esolang Interpreters #4 - Boolfuck Interpreter
- RoboScript #1 - Implement Syntax Highlighting
- RoboScript #2 - Implement the RS1 Specification
- RoboScript #3 - Implement the RS2 Specification
- RoboScript #4 - RS3 Patterns to the Rescue
- RoboScript #5 - The Final Obstacle (Implement RSU)
- Reflection in PHP #1 - Introduction
- Reflection in PHP #2 - Dissecting a function via ReflectionParameter
- Reflection in PHP #3 - Using Reflection on Classes
- Reflection in PHP #4 - Puzzle Challenge [Assessment]
NOTE: There are a total of 4 Kata in this Collection as of 20/07/2017 but only 1 of them is actually authored by me (listed below). The other 3 Kata in this Collection are authored by @Voile.
- Scientific Computing in Fortran #1 - Introduction to Quaternion Algebra
- Scientific Computing in Fortran #2 - Quaternionic Transcendental Functions
- Scientific Computing in Fortran #3 - Discrete Fourier Transform
- Scientific Computing in Fortran #4 - Fast Fourier Transform
Disclaimer: The exercises in this collection are in no way officially endorsed by the authors of Software Foundations, implied or otherwise.
Disclaimer: The exercises in this collection are in no way officially endorsed by the authors of Software Foundations, implied or otherwise.
- Simplifying conditional statements
- Simplifying conditional statements, again
- Finding the maximal program
- Finding the maximal program, revamped
- Sum of squares without multiplying
- One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind
- Evaluating the type safety of a toy language
- Subtyping Mutable References
- Verified Sorting Algorithms - Bubblesort
- Verified Sorting Algorithms - Quicksort
- Verified Sorting Algorithms - Mergesort
- Incidence Geometry #1
- Incidence Geometry #2
- Incidence Geometry #3
- Incidence Geometry #4
- Incidence Geometry #5
- Incidence Geometry #6
- Incidence Geometry #7
- Incidence Geometry #8
- 0.999... = 1? Prove it!
- Mathematical Analysis - Limits of Sequences #1
- Mathematical Analysis - Limits of Sequences #2
- Mathematical Analysis - Limits of Sequences #3
- Mathematical Analysis - Limits of Sequences #4
- Mathematical Analysis - Limits of Sequences #5
- Mathematical Analysis - Continuous function about an open interval
- Mathematical Analysis - Lipschitz functions
- Fix the Bugs (Syntax) - My First Kata
- Are the numbers in order?
- Bubblesort Once
- Sorting Arrays ... wait, what?!
- Math Object Madness
- Improving Math.round(x)
- Capitalize first letter of a string
- Statistics - Fundamentals
- Is the string uppercase?
- Array Mappings
- Do something "n.times" (Simplifying "for" loops)
- altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe
- Handy Toolbox for Kata Authors
- Recurrence by Recursion
- Valid HK Phone Number
- Helper Functions and Recursion - Factorials, Permutations and Combinations
- Exclusive "or" (xor) Logical Operator
- "console.log" and the Lexical "this"
- Approving Kata
- Binary Swap
- Determine sizeof C datatype - Beginner (No prior C knowledge required)
- n times 2 to the power of x
- Convert a linked list to a string
- Parse a linked list from a string
- Generate BF Program from Target Output
- Generate BF Program from Target Output - Challenge Edition
- [BF] Greetings with Defaults
- Linear Algebra: Vector Spaces, Linear Transformations and Friends
- Verified Majority Element
- Verified Element Index
- Implementing a Verified Evaluator for the Untyped Lambda Calculus
- The Church-Rosser Theorem
- Verified list maximum
- Verified binary tree inversion
- Another random fact about filtering
- Yet another random fact about filtering
- Multiples of some m, you say?
- Verified Irregular Chessboard Area
- Verified Sums of Parts
- 100 prisoners, 100 drawers, 100 paper slips
- Efficient last Fibonacci digit in base d