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Project Tasks

in this project, the goal is to operationalize this working, machine learning microservice using kubernetes, which is an open-source system for automating the management of containerized applications. In this project, this processes will be carried out: 1 Test project code using linting 2 Complete a Dockerfile to containerize this application 3 Deploy containerized application using Docker and make a prediction 4 Improve the log statements in the source code for this application 5 Configure Kubernetes and create a Kubernetes cluster 6 Deploy a container using Kubernetes and make a prediction 7 Upload a complete Github repo with CircleCI to indicate that the code has been tested

The final implementation of the project will showcase your abilities to operationalize production microservices.

Setup the Environment

  • Create a virtualenv with Python 3.7 and activate it. Refer to this link for help on specifying the Python version in the virtualenv.
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
# You should have Python 3.7 available in your host. 
# Check the Python path using `which python3`
# Use a command similar to this one:
python3 -m virtualenv --python=<path-to-Python3.7> .devops
source .devops/bin/activate
  • Run make install to install the necessary dependencies


  1. Standalone: python
  2. Run in Docker: ./
  3. Run in Kubernetes: ./

Kubernetes Steps

1 Setup and Configure Docker locally

  • Install docker [refer to link - for reference].
  • Run ./ after configuration.
  • Run docker ps [this is to check if docker is running].
  • Run ./ on another terminal to make prediction.
  • copy/paste the logging info at terminal to output_txt_files/docker_out.txt

2 Setup and Configure Kubernetes locally

  • Install Minikube refer to link - for reference].
  • Run ./ after configuration
  • Run ./ on another terminal to make prediction.
  • copy/paste the logging info at terminal to output_txt_files/docker_out.txt

3 Delete Cluster

  • If you want to delete the kubernetes cluster just run this command 'minikube delete'.
  • You can also stop the kubernetes cluster with this command 'minikube stop'.

4 CircleCI Integration

  • Create a CircleCI Account (use your Github account for a better integration)
  • Create a config.yml file
  • Add a status badge using this template: <github_username> replace <github_username> and with your data. e.g: danilobrinu
  • paste the link on top of the readme file.


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