Rest API enpoints:
Get all the articles from Guardian and New York Times: --- /api/news?page=1
Get articles from Guardian API: --- /api/news/guardian-news?page=1
Get articles from New York Times API: --- /api/news/times-news?page=1
Get articles filtered by search key word: --- /api/news?page=1&seachKeyword=election --- /api/news/guardian-news?page=1&seachKeyword=football --- /api/news/times-news?page=1&seachKeyword=election
Building docker images individually:
cd NewsApp docker build -t product-backend-image .
Run docker-compose mannually for testing: docker-compose up -d docker-compose down
Some of the mostly used principles kept in mind while designing this News Search Application are:
Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) - To make sure the each class has a single reason to change
Open/Closed Principle (OCP): Used interface to allow classes implementing it modification, without changing the logic.
Integrate Swagger for better API documentation.