QSvgStyle is a themeable SVG style for Qt 6 desktop applications (C) Said LANKRI, under the GNU GPL License version 2+
It comes with the style engine (QSvgStyle), a theme builder (QSvgThemeBuilder), a theme manager (QSvgThemeManager) and a built-in svg cleaner courtesy of SVGCleaner team.
- Themeable Qt5 style engine using standard SVG documents as themes
- Fast rendering. QSvgStyle renders at the speed of a raster engine, which is at least twice faster than the Qt SVG renderer
- Support for color schemes. The theme can be configured to apply the current color scheme on top of the rendered theme
- Support for Widget palettes. QSvgStyle will honour any QPalette set on a widget
- Complete support for Right-to-Left layouts
- Support for capsule grouping in buttons
- Support for variants for some widgets
- Built-in default theme
- Cleanest QStyle engine code with regular code patterns
- Easy to use GUI tool to build configuration files for themes, with support for multiple preview variants, RTL layouts, enabled/disabled states and others
- Live configuration previews. Any changes made to the settings are immediately effective in the preview area
- Live SVG previews. Any changes externally made to the SVG theme are immediately effective in the preview area
- Inheritance system. A widget can inherit the settings of another one, as such settings are limited to the differences and configuration files are kept to minimal size
- Display of effective values. When a setting is inherited, the effective value is computed and shown in the GUI
- Unique debugging tool to see the Qt rendering internals and detect missing SVG elements in the theme
- Basic SVG generator. Use the built-in SVG generator to generate accurate frames, interiors and shadows to be exported to your favorite SVG editing tool for a faster theme making workflow
- Built-in SVG cleaner. Use the cleaner to reduce the size of your SVG file by a half or more
- Select the active QSvgStyle theme to apply
- Download online themes
- Live preview of themes
You need the Qt6 development files of the following modules to compile QSvgStyle:
- Qt Base
- Qt SVG
- Qt5 Compatibility module
For debian based systems:
sudo apt install qt6-base-dev qt6-svg-dev qt6-5compat-dev
Then you build it:
$ qmake6
$ make -j
$ sudo make install
You can launch any Qt6 application with QSvgStyle styling by adding a -style
$ dolphin -style qsvgstyle
To globally set QSvgStyle as your default style engine, use your favorite desktop's configuration tool. For example, use the System Settings in KDE.
QSvgStyle will use its built-in theme when no particular theme has been chosen. To choose a theme, use the QSvgThemeManager application.
$ qsvgthememanager
QSvgStyle comes with a nice GUI that helps building themes. It can generate both an initial SVG file based on the default theme and its companion config file.
$ qsvgthemebuilder
Quick SVG generator to generate SVG items with frames, interiors and shadows with many generation options
Export to SVG editing application of accurate, clean and minimal SVG data with given SVG ids
The latest documentation is always available at Read The Docs