- Upload your answer to quiz folder and add your name folder inside which your answer's file will be added.
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Q1. Sticky Navigation Bar
- HTML: Create a simple webpage with a header containing a navigation bar. The navigation bar should include links to different sections on the page.
- CSS: Make the navigation bar sticky using CSS. This means the navigation bar should stay fixed at the top of the screen even when the user scrolls down the page. Use the position property with appropriate values to achieve this.
- Also use media queries to turn the navigation bar into a hamburger menu when width is less than 768px.
- Incorporate and SVG to add hamburger menu. Note: make body height to 5000px so you can scroll and see if your navbar is sticky or not. Good luck!
Q2. Replicate this image.
Go to link: https://www.hackerrank.com/21-days-of-code-2024-quiz1