I'm Andrea De Angelis, currently an Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Computational Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan. I am also an SNF Ambizione Researcher in the Department of Political Science at the University of Zurich. Welcome to my GitHub profile!
🔭 I’m currently working on: The project “Political Misinformation in the Digital Age,” funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. My research focuses on political misinformation, computational social scienes, and public opinion in Western democracies.
🌱 I’m currently learning: How to use LLMs for my teaching and research (ideas are welcome!).
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: Projects at the intersection of political science, computational methods, and digital media. I am especially interested in collaborations that explore the dynamics of political misinformation and media effects on electoral decisions.
🤔 I’m looking for help with: Expanding my research in the area of political misinformation in a global context, especially studies outside the U.S. and Switzerland/Europe.
💬 Ask me about: Electoral politics, media effects, political misinformation, and computational methods in social science research.
📫 How to reach me: Email me at [email protected] or connect with me on LinkedIn.
Languages and Tools:
- R, Python, HTML, CSS, HTTP, Git, LaTeX, Markdown, Stata, JAGS, Stan, MATLAB
- Multilingual with proficiency in Italian, English, Spanish, plus some German, and French.
Recent Publications:
- De Angelis A. and Vecchiato A. (2023). ”Panem et Circenses: Removing Political News to Generate Electoral Support, Evidence from Berlusconi’s Italy.” Fortcoming at the Italian Political Science Review.
- De Angelis A. et al. (2022). “Political Misinformation in the Digital Age During a Pandemic: Partisanship Propaganda and Democratic Decision-Making.” OA Edited Volume at Frontiers in Political Science. Read the editorial here.
- Garzia D. et al. (2021). “Leaders without Partisans: Dealignment, Media Change and the Personalization of Politics.” Colchester: Rowman & Littlefield/ECPR Press. OA version available at Cadmus.
- De Angelis, A. (2020). “How Voters Distort their Perceptions and Why this Matters.“ In: Suhay, E., Grofman, B., and Trechsel, A., The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Persuasion, pp. 946-976. Pre-print available here, published version here.
Awards and Distinctions:
- Gordon Smith and Vincent Wright Memorial Prize for the best papaer published on West European Politics (2022)
- Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione Grant (2022-2026)
- Honorary mention for teaching excellence by the University of Lucerne (2022)