Foobies is an Mobile Application that made using Ionic Framework and integration with React Typescript. It's shows various kinds of recipes along with ingredients and other information.
- Home screen show user a recommended foods, drinks, and desserts separated by type of menu. That image can swipe automatically.
- Recipe can be filtered based on ingredients, diet and meal type.
- Selected recipe will show detailed ingredients used and additional information.
- Equipped with health features to calculate BMI and BMR.
- Sign in using Firebase Authentication so user can bookmark recipe.
- Fetch data from edamam's API.
- 00000037417 - Norbertus Dewa Rucci
- 00000037741 - Gilang Satria Putra
- 00000039011 - Nehemia Cecio Tanjung Jati
- 00000037503 - Billy Natanael Wongkar
- 00000033120 - Michael Jhondry