This is an Websites Application that made using Laravel Framework and integration with Bootstrap. It's simulate the work process of a bookstore from the point of view of admins and buyers.
Registered Admin: [email protected] admin
>Registerd Buyers: [email protected] RobertCharis
- List of books arranged in card view, with pagination and search by book's name.
- Buyers (already login) can see the the details of the book, add it to the cart and make a dummy payment.
- Buyers can view transaction history containing list of books, quantity, price and grand total.
- Admin can do CRUD on Book, Genre, and User.
- Utilization of Eloquent ORM which shows how amazing Laravel is including a many to many relationship (Book and Genre relation).
- Admin and buyers can update their profile.
- Write in terminal composer install
- Make a copy from .env.example into .env (File .env not included).
- Configure file .env according to database requirements.
- Write in terminal php artisan key:generate
- Write in terminal php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
- After table in database already filled.
- Then it is automatically integrated with the image resource in the folder 'public/books'
- Write on terminal php artisan serve to open in the browser. Default port: 8000
- Norbertus Dewa Rucci
- Darren Denisson Chandra
- Nehemia Cecio Tanjung Jati