📺 Streaming OBS video into maps on item frames at a high frame rate
- Load jar plugin onto 1.18.x Paper server
- It will start a thread to listen for UDP packets on port 1337
- Use ffmpeg to send OBS Virtual Camera as JPG frames to the UDP socket
- Renders the latest available frame in Minecraft!
Beware that map will probably be overwritten
- Download MakiScreen jar and place it in the server plugins folder
- Download FFmpeg and make sure it's in your path (or add it to your PATH environment variable)
- Download OBS
- Run Paper server and make sure port 1337 UDP is available, and then turn it off after the server has finished starting up
- Change the size setting in the config.yml and match your output resolution in OBS to your
setting in the config.yml
# Set your OBS output resolution according to this option below.
# 1 = 256x128 = 2 maps
# 2 = 512x256 = 8 maps
# 3 = 1024x512 = 32 maps
size: 2
- Run OBS and make sure the output resolution is according to the config option and the base resolution is set to same as the config or any resolution with 2:1 aspect ratio, and set the frame rate to 20
- Turn on your OBS Virtual Camera
- Open terminal shell and enter
ffmpeg -y -f dshow -thread_queue_size 4096 -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i video="OBS Virtual Camera" -f rawvideo -c:v mjpeg -qscale:v 16 -r 20 udp://
- you can remove
-hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda
if you're not using nvidia GPU - set
-qscale:v 1
you can increase this value from 1 to 31 to lower your bitrate
- you can remove
- Run Paper server and Type
in Minecraft to get the maps
if your performance went doodoo, you could try removing both data.yml in the MakiScreen folder and removing anything in the data folder in the world folder
You can contact me on Discord at Maki#4845 or on Twitter at @MakiXx_
- CodedRed For ImageManager class
- DNx5 for synchronizing the maps, optimizing the code, implementing sierra2 dithering. literally do all the hard work for me
- EzMediaCore for the dither algorithm