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gtk: implement quick-terminal-size (ghostty-org#6629)
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Fixes ghostty-org#2384 on GTK

I'm not exactly sure how to deal with centered quick terminals so I
opted to make them similar to either top/bottom or left/right quick
terminals based on the monitor's orientation (portrait/landscape). This
may not be the right approach, so I'd like to hear more thoughts about
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jcollie authored Mar 9, 2025
2 parents 78f16d0 + a0080dd commit 843cc83
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Showing 3 changed files with 295 additions and 5 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/apprt/gtk/Window.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ pub const DerivedConfig = struct {
gtk_toolbar_style: configpkg.Config.GtkToolbarStyle,

quick_terminal_position: configpkg.Config.QuickTerminalPosition,
quick_terminal_size: configpkg.Config.QuickTerminalSize,
quick_terminal_autohide: bool,

maximize: bool,
Expand All @@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ pub const DerivedConfig = struct {
.gtk_toolbar_style = config.@"gtk-toolbar-style",

.quick_terminal_position = config.@"quick-terminal-position",
.quick_terminal_size = config.@"quick-terminal-size",
.quick_terminal_autohide = config.@"quick-terminal-autohide",

.maximize = config.maximize,
Expand Down
32 changes: 27 additions & 5 deletions src/apprt/gtk/winproto/wayland.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ const build_options = @import("build_options");
const wayland = @import("wayland");
const gtk = @import("gtk");
const gtk4_layer_shell = @import("gtk4-layer-shell");
const gdk = @import("gdk");

const c = @import("../c.zig").c;
const Config = @import("../../../config.zig").Config;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,6 +250,11 @@ pub const Window = struct {
break :deco deco;

if (apprt_window.isQuickTerminal()) {
const surface: *gdk.Surface = @ptrCast(gdk_surface);
_ = gdk.Surface.signals.enter_monitor.connect(surface, *ApprtWindow, enteredMonitor, apprt_window, .{});

return .{
.apprt_window = apprt_window,
.surface = wl_surface,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,11 +371,6 @@ pub const Window = struct {
gtk4_layer_shell.setAnchor(window, edge, false);

switch (position) {
.top, .bottom, .center => window.setDefaultSize(800, 400),
.left, .right => window.setDefaultSize(400, 800),

if (self.apprt_window.isQuickTerminal()) {
if (self.slide) |slide| slide.release();

Expand All @@ -394,4 +395,25 @@ pub const Window = struct {
} else null;

/// Update the size of the quick terminal based on monitor dimensions.
fn enteredMonitor(
_: *gdk.Surface,
monitor: *gdk.Monitor,
apprt_window: *ApprtWindow,
) callconv(.C) void {
const window: *gtk.Window = @ptrCast(apprt_window.window);
const size = apprt_window.config.quick_terminal_size;
const position = apprt_window.config.quick_terminal_position;

var monitor_size: gdk.Rectangle = undefined;

const dims = size.calculate(position, .{
.width = @intCast(monitor_size.f_width),
.height = @intCast(monitor_size.f_height),

window.setDefaultSize(@intCast(dims.width), @intCast(dims.height));
266 changes: 266 additions & 0 deletions src/config/Config.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1644,6 +1644,27 @@ keybind: Keybinds = .{},
/// To enable this feature, bind the `toggle_quick_terminal` action to a key.
@"quick-terminal-position": QuickTerminalPosition = .top,

/// The size of the quick terminal.
/// The size can be specified either as a percentage of the screen dimensions
/// (height/width), or as an absolute size in pixels. Percentage values are
/// suffixed with `%` (e.g. `20%`) while pixel values are suffixed with `px`
/// (e.g. `300px`). A bare value without a suffix is a config error.
/// When only one size is specified, the size parameter affects the size of
/// the quick terminal on its *primary axis*, which depends on its position:
/// height for quick terminals placed on the top or bottom, and width for left
/// or right. The primary axis of a centered quick terminal depends on the
/// monitor's orientation: height when on a landscape monitor, and width when
/// on a portrait monitor.
/// The *secondary axis* would be maximized for non-center positioned
/// quick terminals unless another size parameter is specified, separated
/// from the first by a comma (`,`). Percentage and pixel sizes can be mixed
/// together: for instance, a size of `50%,500px` for a top-positioned quick
/// terminal would be half a screen tall, and 500 pixels wide.
@"quick-terminal-size": QuickTerminalSize = .{},

/// The screen where the quick terminal should show up.
/// Valid values are:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5973,6 +5994,251 @@ pub const QuickTerminalPosition = enum {

/// See quick-terminal-size
pub const QuickTerminalSize = struct {
primary: ?Size = null,
secondary: ?Size = null,

pub const Size = union(enum) {
percentage: f32,
pixels: u32,

pub fn toPixels(self: Size, parent_dimensions: u32) u32 {
switch (self) {
.percentage => |v| {
const dim: f32 = @floatFromInt(parent_dimensions);
return @intFromFloat(v / 100.0 * dim);
.pixels => |v| return v,

pub fn parse(input: []const u8) !Size {
if (input.len == 0) return error.ValueRequired;

if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, input, "px")) {
return .{
.pixels = std.fmt.parseInt(
input[0 .. input.len - "px".len],
) catch return error.InvalidValue,

if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, input, "%")) {
const percentage = std.fmt.parseFloat(
input[0 .. input.len - "%".len],
) catch return error.InvalidValue;

if (percentage < 0) return error.InvalidValue;
return .{ .percentage = percentage };

return error.MissingUnit;

fn format(self: Size, writer: anytype) !void {
switch (self) {
.percentage => |v| try writer.print("{d}%", .{v}),
.pixels => |v| try writer.print("{}px", .{v}),

pub const Dimensions = struct {
width: u32,
height: u32,

pub fn calculate(
self: QuickTerminalSize,
position: QuickTerminalPosition,
dims: Dimensions,
) Dimensions {
switch (position) {
.left, .right => return .{
.width = if (self.primary) |v| v.toPixels(dims.width) else 400,
.height = if (self.secondary) |v| v.toPixels(dims.height) else dims.height,
.top, .bottom => return .{
.width = if (self.secondary) |v| v.toPixels(dims.width) else dims.width,
.height = if (self.primary) |v| v.toPixels(dims.height) else 400,
.center => if (dims.width >= dims.height) {
return .{
.width = if (self.primary) |v| v.toPixels(dims.width) else 800,
.height = if (self.secondary) |v| v.toPixels(dims.height) else 400,
} else {
return .{
.width = if (self.secondary) |v| v.toPixels(dims.width) else 400,
.height = if (self.primary) |v| v.toPixels(dims.height) else 800,

pub fn parseCLI(self: *QuickTerminalSize, input: ?[]const u8) !void {
const input_ = input orelse return error.ValueRequired;
var it = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, input_, ',');

const primary = std.mem.trim(
u8, orelse return error.ValueRequired,
self.primary = try Size.parse(primary);

self.secondary = secondary: {
const secondary = std.mem.trim(
u8, orelse break :secondary null,
break :secondary try Size.parse(secondary);

if ( |_| return error.TooManyArguments;

pub fn clone(self: *const QuickTerminalSize, _: Allocator) Allocator.Error!QuickTerminalSize {
return .{
.primary = self.primary,
.secondary = self.secondary,

pub fn formatEntry(self: QuickTerminalSize, formatter: anytype) !void {
const primary = self.primary orelse return;

var buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
var fbs =;
const writer = fbs.writer();

primary.format(writer) catch return error.OutOfMemory;
if (self.secondary) |secondary| {
writer.writeByte(',') catch return error.OutOfMemory;
secondary.format(writer) catch return error.OutOfMemory;

try formatter.formatEntry([]const u8, fbs.getWritten());
test "parse QuickTerminalSize" {
const testing = std.testing;
var v: QuickTerminalSize = undefined;

try v.parseCLI("50%");
try testing.expectEqual(50, v.primary.?.percentage);
try testing.expectEqual(null, v.secondary);

try v.parseCLI("200px");
try testing.expectEqual(200, v.primary.?.pixels);
try testing.expectEqual(null, v.secondary);

try v.parseCLI("50%,200px");
try testing.expectEqual(50, v.primary.?.percentage);
try testing.expectEqual(200, v.secondary.?.pixels);

try testing.expectError(error.ValueRequired, v.parseCLI(null));
try testing.expectError(error.ValueRequired, v.parseCLI(""));
try testing.expectError(error.ValueRequired, v.parseCLI("69px,"));
try testing.expectError(error.TooManyArguments, v.parseCLI("69px,42%,69px"));

try testing.expectError(error.MissingUnit, v.parseCLI("420"));
try testing.expectError(error.MissingUnit, v.parseCLI("bobr"));
try testing.expectError(error.InvalidValue, v.parseCLI("bobr%"));
try testing.expectError(error.InvalidValue, v.parseCLI("-32%"));
try testing.expectError(error.InvalidValue, v.parseCLI("-69px"));
test "calculate QuickTerminalSize" {
const testing = std.testing;
const dims_landscape: Dimensions = .{ .width = 2560, .height = 1600 };
const dims_portrait: Dimensions = .{ .width = 1600, .height = 2560 };

const size: QuickTerminalSize = .{};
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 2560, .height = 400 },
size.calculate(.top, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 400, .height = 1600 },
size.calculate(.left, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 800, .height = 400 },
size.calculate(.center, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 400, .height = 800 },
size.calculate(.center, dims_portrait),
const size: QuickTerminalSize = .{ .primary = .{ .percentage = 20 } };
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 2560, .height = 320 },
size.calculate(.top, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 512, .height = 1600 },
size.calculate(.left, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 512, .height = 400 },
size.calculate(.center, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 400, .height = 512 },
size.calculate(.center, dims_portrait),
const size: QuickTerminalSize = .{ .primary = .{ .pixels = 600 } };
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 2560, .height = 600 },
size.calculate(.top, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 600, .height = 1600 },
size.calculate(.left, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 600, .height = 400 },
size.calculate(.center, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 400, .height = 600 },
size.calculate(.center, dims_portrait),
const size: QuickTerminalSize = .{
.primary = .{ .percentage = 69 },
.secondary = .{ .pixels = 420 },
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 420, .height = 1104 },
size.calculate(.top, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 1766, .height = 420 },
size.calculate(.left, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 1766, .height = 420 },
size.calculate(.center, dims_landscape),
try testing.expectEqual(
Dimensions{ .width = 420, .height = 1766 },
size.calculate(.center, dims_portrait),

/// See quick-terminal-screen
pub const QuickTerminalScreen = enum {
Expand Down

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