Hello, today we are going to build a school management App with Laravel and FilamentPHP v3 "MySchool.com" using :
- Laravel
- FilamentPHP V3
Part 01: Laravel Installation
- [x] Laravel Installation
-> [x] Laravel configuration
-> [x] Install some helpers [juststeveking/launchpad, Pint, nunomaduro/larastan]
-> [x] Update users table and User Model
-> [x] Update User factory an UserSeeder
-> [x] Create admins table and Admin Model
-> [x] Create Admin factory an AdminSeeder
-> [x] Configure the admin and User authGuard
Part 02: Filament Installation
- [x] FilamentPHP v3 Installation
-> [x] Installation
-> [x] Add some plugins
- [x] Costumize filament
-> [x] police font
-> [x] Logo
-> [x] favicon
-> [x] Colors
-> [x] DarkMode
-> [x] Filament Theme
-[x] Filament Panel
-> [x] Create a school and Teacher Panel
-> [x] Costumize panels
-> [x] Multiple AuthGuard
Part 03: Filament Auth System
-[x] Filament Auth Systhem
-> [x] Extend Profile for each panel let move it to our index panel
-> [x] Add image profile to admin and users
-> [x] Extend Login for each panel to log with phone or email()
-> [x] Extend Register for school panel let's do a sam thing
Part 04: Update the Auth System
->[x] Update the Auth System
-> [x] Create Role model -mfs
-> [x] Create a RoleSeeder
-> [x] Create a RoleResource make panel id desabled i want to generate the role from the system
-> lets creat an action to generate our role from the system
-> [x] Create a UserResource
-> [x] Update The login Teacher and School: i wan to check if the user has This panel before sign
-> [x] Update The Register School: let's do a same thing`
Part 05: Notifications
- [x] Add Filament notification to our application
- [x] Create an Observer for user model
- [x] Create notification for user->school
- [x] Create notification for admin when the school->user register
Part 06: Update Resources
- [x] UserResource navigation
- [x] Add Tabs
- [x] Create the Admin Resource and customize it
- [x] Add image to table ->UserResource and Admin Resource
Part 07: School Resource
- [] Create a School model
- [] UserResource navigation customize it
- [] Create middleware that redirects the user to the school creation page if it has not yet been created
- [] Add classes to school
- [] Create education_level, and grades tables
- [] Create a SchoolResource for the school panel and the admin panel
Part 08: Create a JobResource
- [] Create a jobs table
- [] Create a JobResource ->admin panel
- [] update the UserResource Admin panel
system of assigning users to schools
- [] create the UserResource school panel
system of assigning users to schools
Part 09:
Thanks to watching this video to see you tomorrow