In this project, you’ll write an iOS application. Flight Companion is an application that helps airplane pilots to keep track of their flights and their durations.
It’s possible to:
- Start and finish a flight
- Review past flights
- Delete flights
- Home screen / Switching views
- Display flight start/stop/duration time values
- GPS Lookup of nearest airflied
- Data persistance
- List / manage past flights
airports.plist // Locations of airports
FlyListPersistent.xcdatamodeld //BDD
PersistenceHelper.swift // Persistance object
LocationManager.swift // Check user location
FlyManager.swift // Class Fly
Base.lproj // Main.storyboard
FirstViewController.swift // Fist view
Images.xcassets // All pictures
SecondViewController.swift // Second view
It's my first application write on Swift