The simplest node app I could make which demonstrates CRUD functions, logging, user management and secure sessions. This app allows user to make and store notes.
The intended use of this is to be a reference / base for future node projects.
I am currently working on the following features:
- Google / Facebook integration (signup and sharing cards)
- Markdown Formatting on Notes
- More testing
- v1.0.0: Base functionality, CRUD operations and decent security considerations
- v1.0.1: Added email verification, required node update to v11.15.0 due to SendGrid
- v1.0.2: Added password reset functionality
- v1.0.3: Added pinning notes
- v1.0.4: Added text cleanup to ensure no JS could be run
- v1.1.0: Production ready (closed beta)
You should have these items installed:
- Node (v10.14.*)
- MongoDB
git pull
cd NodeNoteApp
npm install
mongod # should be running on port 27017
node server.js dev
Currently live as a closed beta, contact me for URL!
Run the tests as follows...
git pull
cd NodeNoteApp
npm install
npm install -g mocha
npm test
- Node - This allows JS to be run on your computer, works cross-platform
- Express - This handles HTTP requests by running Node.js
- EJS - This is the templating engine, takes HTML and JSON objects to make web pages
- Mongoose - This is an ORM of sorts, provides a medium between JS objects and MongoDB
- Bootstrap Templates - This is used extensively for almost all the visual assets
- Bootstrap - CSS and JS library
- MongoDB - NoSQL database
- jQuery - JS library
- SendGrid - JS library to send emails, uses templates
- Christopher McDonald - Initial work - Personal Site
- Eric Le Fort - Early Adopter, Found Bugs, Recommended Changes
- Melissa Robins - Early Adopter
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.