I'm currently working with the SymbolixAU team to add the code/functionality from this package into their CRAN package jsonify. If that all works out as planned, then all future development of this code will be happening in that repo.
R package for parsing JSON. There are already a few R packages that parse JSON data ( jsonlite, rjson ), the intent behind this one is to try to build a package that is faster than the existing options. This project is very young, currently the functions can only handle values of type int
, double
, logical
, and character
This package is built using the rapidjson C++ library (via the rapidjsonr R package), and Rcpp.
As an additional resource, check out the jsonify package, which uses the rapidjson library to convert R objects to json.
Please report issues, comments, or feature requests.
Install from this repo:
# install.packages("devtools")
# Create json string, using package jsonify
json_str <- jsonify::to_json(
"string_key" = "cats",
"int_key" = 5L,
"double_key" = 99.4,
"bool_key" = TRUE,
"vector_key" = c(9L, 10L, 11L, 12L),
"list_key" = list("dogs", 55.3)
# print json_str
#> {"string_key":["cats"],"int_key":[5],"double_key":[99.4],"bool_key":[true],"vector_key":[9,10,11,12],"list_key":[["dogs"],[55.3]]}
#> $string_key
#> [1] "cats"
#> $int_key
#> [1] 5
#> $double_key
#> [1] 99.4
#> $bool_key
#> [1] TRUE
#> $vector_key
#> [1] 9 10 11 12
#> $list_key
#> $list_key[[1]]
#> [1] "dogs"
#> $list_key[[2]]
#> [1] 55.3
jl_fromJSON <- jsonlite::fromJSON
rj_fromJSON <- rjson::fromJSON
json_str <- jsonify::to_json(
"ints" = 1L:100000L,
"doubles" = rnorm(100000),
"strings" = stringi::stri_rand_strings(100000, 8),
"bools" = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = 100000, replace = TRUE)
jsonparse = from_json(json_str),
rjson = rj_fromJSON(json_str),
jsonlite = jl_fromJSON(json_str, simplifyVector = FALSE)
#> Unit: milliseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> jsonparse 24.01423 27.23423 29.97406 29.60571 32.0372 44.45918 100
#> rjson 100.33898 109.40579 119.47500 117.18489 126.3026 226.08668 100
#> jsonlite 207.57313 219.68605 230.28911 226.09717 239.4743 277.65422 100
json_str <- lapply(1:10000, function(x) {
"string_key" = "cats",
"int_key" = 5L,
"double_key" = 99.4,
"bool_key" = TRUE,
"vector_key" = c(9L, 10L, 11L, 12L),
"list_key" = list("dogs", 55.3)
json_str <- jsonify::to_json(json_str)
jsonparse = from_json(json_str),
rjson = rj_fromJSON(json_str),
jsonlite = jl_fromJSON(json_str, simplifyVector = FALSE)
#> Unit: milliseconds
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> jsonparse 15.64111 17.31473 22.00976 19.56679 22.38043 105.1796 100
#> rjson 39.75470 47.17560 57.10193 52.63964 60.26783 168.0407 100
#> jsonlite 106.23252 111.21012 118.63235 115.01797 119.71804 238.5919 100