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FIX: More stuff never completed in the Windows build #18

FIX: More stuff never completed in the Windows build

FIX: More stuff never completed in the Windows build #18

name: Casal2 build Windows install
- master # age_length_redesign_202109
runs-on: windows-2022
timeout-minutes: 180
- name: Checkout Casal2
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/[email protected]
python-version: '3.8'
- name: Install python dependencies
run: python.exe -m pip install pytz python-dateutil --user --upgrade pip
- name: Install gcc
uses: bwoodsend/setup-winlibs-action@v1
# see
# and
#tag: '10.3.0-12.0.0-9.0.0-r2'
tag: '10.3.1-snapshot20211112-9.0.0-ucrt-r1' # previous tag as of 2022-03-31
#tag: '11.1.0-12.0.0-9.0.0-r1' # reference tag in documentation
#tag: '11.2.1-snapshot20220219-9.0.0-ucrt-r1' # caused issues with Casal2 unit tests
#tag: '12.0.1-snapshot20220123-9.0.0-msvcrt-r1'
- name: Build third-party library - adolc
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat thirdparty adolc
- name: Build third-party library - betadiff
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat thirdparty betadiff
- name: Build third-party library - boost
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat thirdparty boost
- name: Build third-party libraries - google test and mock
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat thirdparty googletest_googlemock
- name: Build third-party libraries - parser
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat thirdparty parser
- name: Build release library
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat library release
- name: Build "Betadiff" library
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat library betadiff
- name: Build "ADOL-C" library
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat library adolc
- name: Build "Unit Test" library
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat library test
- name: Build Frontend
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat frontend
shell: bash
- name: Build Windows Archive
continue-on-error: true
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat archive true
shell: bash
- name: Archive Windows build
continue-on-error: true
uses: actions/[email protected]
name: Casal2-Windows-build
path: BuildSystem/Casal2
- name: Run Windows model runner
continue-on-error: false
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat modelrunner
- name: Build installer iss file
run: |
cd BuildSystem
./doBuild.bat installer