A collection of solutions to various historic mathematical and computational problems implemented in different programming languages.
- The Josephus Permutation
- The Chinese Remainder Theorem
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- The Collatz Conjecture
- The Eight Queens Problem
- The Hanoi Tower Problem
- The Knapsack Problem
- The Pancake Sorting Problem
- The Lights Out Puzzle
- The Bridges of Königsberg
- The Chinese Postman Problem
- The Traveling Salesman Problem
- The Shortest Path Through a Maze
- The Monte Carlo Method
- The Secretary Problem
- The Monty Hall Problem
- The Birthday Paradox
- The Prisoner's Dilemma
- The Byzantine Generals Problem
- The Two Generals' Problem
- The Dining Philosophers Problem
- The Dining Cryptographers Problem
- The Gosper's Gun Problem
- The Chaos Game
Each problem solution includes:
- Problem description
- Historical context
- Dev note (old Implementation)
- Solution
- Test cases (sometimes)
- Rust 1.85+
- C++ 17+
- C? (yet to be done)
Feel free to add new solutions or improve existing ones!