Face, Eye and Motion Detection are a set of codes ('out of' can be 'outta', so can 'set of' be 'setta'??) that detect peoples' faces\eyes and objects' motions using Python and OpenCV packages.
All videos are saved in codes' directory after the program ends. To end any program, press 'q' key.
Try out, change the code, publish, add in projects, and much more!!
- Camera (notebook, cellphone, webcams...);
- Python 3.7 version or later;
- OpenCV and Pandas packages;
- Jupyter Notebook 7.2 version or later.
Installing Packages
- Open computer's terminal and tip these commands:
pip install pandas
pip install opencv-python
Running with Python
- Download the source code;
- Open cmd and go to Python folder;
- Choice a code file;
- Tip:
python FILE_NAME.py
Running with Jupyter Notebook
- Download the source code;
- Open cmd and go to Jupyter Notebook folder;
- Tip:
jupyter notebook
- Choice a code and run it!!
- Eye Detection: detect people' eyes and save the video in mp4 format;
- Face Detection: detect people' faces and save the video in mp4 format;
- Face Eye Detection: detect people' faces and eyes and save the video in mp4 format;
- Motion Detection: detect objects' motions and save the motions' logs in csv file;
- Open WebCam: open webcam and save the video in mp4 format.
If you put pictures on your cellphone\computer or portrait, the AI will detect!!
My next mission is make Recongnition with Detection using MongoDB, Python, OpenCV, Java and HTML\CSS\JS. Available coming soon...
Email: [email protected]
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/csfelix/
Instagram: instagram.com/c0deplus/
Portfolio: CSFelix.io