Archi is a 3D tilemap tool. The purpose of this demo is to test the intuitiveness of the tool. Although possible, it is not recommended you use this for current projects as this tool is still very buggy and in active development and has not been tested for bugs inside actual builds. Inside this demo you'll find two examples of different tilesets, a very basic one created by me in Blender, and another tileset using a pack by Kenney over at
I'll create a tutorial on making your own tilesets (and autotile rules) soon. For now, look at the examples to get an idea of how it works. Some stuff will have tooltips if you hover over them in the inspector.
Installing is as simple as downloading this repository and putting Archi-master somewhere in your assets. Or atleast it should be. If there's any problems, create a new issue.
Sort of. There's probably a tonne of bugs and there isn't even undo functionality. But if you think you can use this for your game, go ahead.
To elaborate on what I mean by 'demo', what I mean is a free release of the tool for the purpose of testing for bugs and how the tool works in general. You can freely use and modify the tool (although the code is quite ugly at the moment) for whatever you want but don't get annoyed when there's not enough features. This version WILL get bug fixes, but any substantial updates won't be added to this repository. Ideally at the end of this, Archi will be a (cheap) paid for addon that will be either hosted on or the unity asset store.
Create a new issue. Detail what the problem is, and how to reproduce it (and if you're feeling extra helpful, post a link to where I can download your project where the bug can be found but this isn't needed). If there's an error in the unity console, post a screenshot of it.
Oh! Yes. I should've probably put this higher. Well, mostly you will use the mouse for drawing, clicking and dragging and such. If you hold down E and draw, it will erase any tiles. Tell me what you think of that instead of a dedicated erase tool. If you want to setup Archi in a new scene, create an empty and attach the Archi script to it.