We have ourselves a PLanG :)
Tested against all the PLanG programming homeworks turned in in the past three years, we can now pretty safely say PLanG handles correct programs much like the reference implementation. A whole lot of errors turned up, these were mostly fixed. A couple of edge cases remain, cases where the reference implementation does not really conform the specification. Also, our error handling is not very good just yet.
- IO: read input from the standard input or files, write output to the standard output or files
- Conditional connectives (short-circuiting OR and AND)
- Command line options to specify source and output encoding
- The AST is not always printed (can be turned on with a command line option)
- The memory is not always dumped at the end of the execution (can be turned on with a command line option)
- The interpreter now logs to a file instead of littering the stdOut
- Numerous fixes after the The Great Big System Test.
- Downgraded back to Java 8.