Using Open Source Routing Machine - OSRM library that uses the REST http API
that is exposed by osrm-routed
Can be used with NodeJS and with browserify.
var OSRM = require('./src/osrm');
var osrm = new OSRM();
const fs = require('fs');
// add [lng,lat] below. The array should include all the spot you want to include in the route. Actually, this is the only part you should change.
// this example showed the route from Northeastern University to 53 State Street to Malden
const coords = [[-71.0913604, 42.3398067],[-71.0569118, 42.3581058], [-71.0698143,42.4275271]];
//Below is the magic part!
osrm.route({coordinates: coords, steps: true, geometries: 'geojson' }, function(error, response) {
var route = response.routes[0].geometry.coordinates; //This would give you the route coordinates [lng, lat]
//Change the route to [lat,lng] so that leaflet could understand.
var arrCoordinates =[];
Array.from(route, function (i) {
function lnglatTolatlng(arr) {
var latlng = [];
latlng[0] = arr[1];
latlng[1] = arr[0];
return latlng;
// write the file to json!
const content = JSON.stringify(arrCoordinates);
fs.writeFile("routelatlng.json", content, 'utf8', function (err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
console.log("The file was saved!");
// Run this code, when you saw "The file was saved!" in the console, you can open ./src/routelatlng.json and get the latlng array of the route going through all the spot you mentioned in coords
// It may take a little bit longer if the distance is too long.
npm test # run node tape tests
firefox test.html # check the console if tape tests worked
Many thanks to Open Source Routing Machine - OSRM This simple tool is created by Yan Wu ([email protected]).