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flober committed Aug 1, 2024
1 parent 449577e commit c4cdd6e
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Showing 7 changed files with 103 additions and 111 deletions.
40 changes: 23 additions & 17 deletions src/Controller.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
module Controller (module Controller) where

import Card (bigDumbo)
import Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom (getRandom))
import Logic (execCommand, isGameOver, validateCommand, enter)
import Control.Monad.Random (MonadRandom (getRandom), MonadIO, liftIO)
import Logic (enter, execCommand, isGameOver)
import Model
import Text.Parsec hiding (Error)
import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import View (render)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)

-- START: Functions for ingesting terminal input as PlayerAction --
-- Examples:
Expand All @@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ interp s = case parse actionParser "" s of
-- Parse the full input string
actionParser :: Parser Command
actionParser = do
cmd <- choice $ map (try . string) ["buy", "b", "sell", "s", "help", "h", "endturn", "e", "play", "p"]
cmd <- choice $ map (try . string) ["buy", "b", "sell", "s", "play", "p", "roll", "r", "freeze", "f", "endturn", "e", "help", "h", "concede"]
action <- actionArgumentParser cmd
Expand All @@ -40,8 +39,11 @@ actionArgumentParser cmd
| cmd `elem` ["buy", "b"] = buyArgParser
| cmd `elem` ["sell", "s"] = sellArgParser
| cmd `elem` ["play", "p"] = playArgParser
| cmd `elem` ["help", "h"] = return Help
| cmd `elem` ["roll", "r"] = return Roll
| cmd `elem` ["freeze", "f"] = return Freeze
| cmd `elem` ["endturn", "e"] = return EndTurn
| cmd `elem` ["help", "h"] = return Help
| cmd == "concede" = return Concede
| otherwise = error "Unexpected path: actionArgumentParser should only run if it matched a command."

buyArgParser :: Parser Command
Expand All @@ -64,12 +66,13 @@ playArgParser = do
case readMaybe indStr of
Just ind -> return $ Play ind
Nothing -> fail "Play's argument should be a valid number."

-- END --

initGameState :: (MonadRandom m) => m GameState
initGameState = do
tutorialAIGameState <- tutorialAI
return $ GameState {playerState = defPlayerState, aiState=tutorialAIGameState, turn = 0}
return $ GameState {playerState = defPlayerState, aiState = tutorialAIGameState, turn = 0, config = Config { maxBoardSize = 7 }}

tutorialAI :: (MonadRandom m) => m PlayerState
tutorialAI = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,20 +102,23 @@ runGame :: IO ()
runGame = do
gs <- initGameState
gs' <- enter Recruit gs
_ <- loop gs'
_ <- loop (return gs')
putStrLn "Game Finished."
-- Repeat Recruit and Combat until game over
loop gs =
loop :: (MonadIO m, MonadRandom m) => m GameState -> m GameState
loop mgs = do
gs <- mgs
if isGameOver gs
then do
return gs
else do
putStrLn $ render gs Player
input <- getLine
case interp input >>= (\c -> validateCommand c gs Player) of
Left err -> putStrLn err >> loop gs
Right action' -> do
gs' <- liftIO $ execCommand action' gs Player
loop gs'

else do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ render gs Player
input <- liftIO getLine
result <- either -- Combine two eithers: If first action Left, propogate it. If right, execCommand and return an Either.
(return . Left)
(\cmd -> execCommand cmd gs Player)
(interp input)
case result of -- Earlier, two eithers were combined together because they should run the same thing on Left.
Left err -> liftIO (putStrLn err) >> loop (return gs)
Right gs' -> loop (return gs')
155 changes: 67 additions & 88 deletions src/Logic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,83 +6,49 @@ module Logic (module Logic) where

import Card (pool)
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Model
import View ( helpMenu )
import Utils

-- START: Functions interfacing with PlayerAction. --

-- Can action occur in given PlayerState? Yes then thread the same action through. False then error message.
validateCommand :: Command -> GameState -> Player -> Either String Command
validateCommand (Buy ind) gs p
| shopSize == 0 = Left "Your shop is empty."
| ind < shopSize = return (Buy ind)
| shopSize == 1 = Left "This hand only permits shop 0"
| otherwise = Left $ "This shop only permits buy 0 to buy " ++ show (shopSize - 1)
ps = selectPlayer p gs
shopSize = length
validateCommand (Sell ind) gs p
| boardSize == 0 = Left "You have no board."
| ind < boardSize = return (Sell ind)
| boardSize == 1 = Left "This hand only permits sell 0"
| otherwise = Left $ "This board only permits sell 0 to sell " ++ show (boardSize - 1)
ps = selectPlayer p gs
boardSize = length ps.board
validateCommand (Play ind) gs p
| handSize == 0 = Left "You have an empty hand."
| ind < handSize = return (Play ind)
| handSize == 1 = Left "This hand only permits play 0"
| otherwise = Left $ "This hand only permits play 0 to play " ++ show (handSize - 1)
ps = selectPlayer p gs
handSize = length ps.hand

validateCommand EndTurn _ _ = return EndTurn
validateCommand Help _ _ = return Help

execCommand :: (MonadIO m, MonadRandom m) => Command -> GameState -> Player -> m GameState
execCommand (Buy ind) gs p = return $ updatePlayer p (buy ind (selectPlayer p gs)) gs

execCommand (Sell ind) gs p = return $ updatePlayer p (sell ind (selectPlayer p gs)) gs
execCommand (Play ind) gs p = return $ updatePlayer p (play ind (selectPlayer p gs)) gs
execCommand Help gs _ = liftIO (putStrLn helpMenu) >> return gs
execCommand EndTurn gs _ = enter Combat gs
-- END --

-- START: Game Transition Functions --
-- Check if only one player alive
import View (helpMenu)

execCommand :: (MonadIO m, MonadRandom m) => Command -> GameState -> Player -> m (Either String GameState)
execCommand (Buy ind) gs p = return $ buy ind (selectPlayer p gs) >>= (\ps' -> Right $ updatePlayer p ps' gs)
execCommand (Sell ind) gs p = return $ sell ind (selectPlayer p gs) >>= (\ps' -> Right $ updatePlayer p ps' gs)
execCommand (Play ind) gs p = return $ play ind gs p >>= (\ps' -> Right $ updatePlayer p ps' gs)
execCommand Help gs _ = liftIO (putStrLn helpMenu) >> pure (Right gs)
execCommand EndTurn gs _ = enter Combat gs <&> Right
execCommand Roll gs p = do
ps' <- roll $ selectPlayer p gs
return $ liftM2 (updatePlayer p) ps' (return gs)
execCommand _ gs _ = return $ Right gs

-- Game over if exactly one player is alive
isGameOver :: GameState -> Bool
isGameOver gs = gs.playerState.alive /= gs.aiState.alive

-- Performed when we first transition to a new game phase.
-- Performed when we first transition to a new game phase.
enter :: (MonadRandom m) => Phase -> GameState -> m GameState
enter Recruit gs = do
newPlayerState <- replenish gs.playerState
newAIState <- replenish gs.aiState
return gs
playerState = newPlayerState,
aiState = newAIState
newAIState <- replenish gs.aiState
{ playerState = newPlayerState,
aiState = newAIState
replenish ps = do
newShop <- randomShop ps.tier
return $ ps
phase = Recruit,
maxGold = ps.maxGold + 1,
curGold = ps.maxGold + 1,
frozen = False,
shop = if ps.frozen then else newShop
return $
{ phase = Recruit,
maxGold = ps.maxGold + 1,
curGold = ps.maxGold + 1,
frozen = False,
shop = if ps.frozen then else newShop
enter _ _ = error "Other phases should not be enterable"

-- END --

-- START: Utility Methods for PlayerAction Functions --
-- Determinisitc functions should only be used when the usage permits only the happy path

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,29 +88,42 @@ sampleNFromList n xs = replicateM n sample

-- END --

-- START: Functions that Actions map to --
play :: Index -> PlayerState -> PlayerState
play ind ps = ps {board = ps.board ++ [findCard ind ps.hand], hand = remove ind ps.hand}

buy :: Index -> PlayerState -> PlayerState
buy ind ps =
let cardInstance = findCard ind
cost = cardInstance.card.baseCost
moneyLeft = ps.curGold
in if cost > moneyLeft
error "Logic error: Attempted buying without enough money."
else ps {curGold = moneyLeft - cost, shop = remove ind, hand = ps.hand ++ [cardInstance]}

sell :: Index -> PlayerState -> PlayerState
sell ind ps = ps {curGold = ps.curGold + 1, board = remove ind ps.board}

roll :: (MonadRandom m) => PlayerState -> m PlayerState
roll ps = do
newShop <- randomShop ps.tier
return $ ps {curGold = ps.curGold - 1, shop = newShop}

tierUp :: PlayerState -> PlayerState
tierUp ps = ps {curGold = ps.curGold - ps.tierUpCost, tier = ps.tier + 1}
-- START: Functions that Command maps to --
play :: Index -> GameState -> Player -> Either String PlayerState
play ind gs p
| ind < 0 || ind >= length ps.hand || ind >= gs.config.maxBoardSize = Left "Out of bounds."
| otherwise = Right ps {board = ps.board ++ [findCard ind ps.hand], hand = remove ind ps.hand}
ps = selectPlayer p gs

buy :: Index -> PlayerState -> Either String PlayerState
buy ind ps
| shopSize == 0 = Left "Cannot buy. Your shop is empty."
| ind < 0 || ind >= shopSize = Left "Out of bounds."
| cost > moneyLeft =
Left "Attempted buying without enough money."
| otherwise =
Right ps {curGold = moneyLeft - cost, shop = remove ind, hand = ps.hand ++ [cardInstance]}
cardInstance = findCard ind
cost = cardInstance.card.baseCost
moneyLeft = ps.curGold
shopSize = length

sell :: Index -> PlayerState -> Either String PlayerState
sell ind ps
| ind < 0 || ind >= length ps.board = Left "Out of bounds."
| otherwise = Right ps {curGold = ps.curGold + 1, board = remove ind ps.board}

roll :: (MonadRandom m) => PlayerState -> m (Either String PlayerState)
roll ps =
if ps.curGold < ps.rerollCost
then return $ Left "Attempted rollings without enough money"
else do
newShop <- randomShop ps.tier
return $ Right $ ps {curGold = ps.curGold - 1, shop = newShop}

-- tierUp :: PlayerState -> PlayerState
-- tierUp ps = ps {curGold = ps.curGold - ps.tierUpCost, tier = ps.tier + 1}

-- END --
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Model.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,9 +53,11 @@ data Phase = HeroSelect | Recruit | Combat deriving (Eq)
-- For now, GameState just keeps track of the solo player and one AI.
data Player = Player | AI

newtype Config = Config { maxBoardSize :: Int }
data GameState = GameState
{ playerState :: PlayerState,
aiState :: PlayerState,
config :: Config,
turn :: Turn

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ data Command
= Buy Index
| Sell Index
| Play Index
| Refresh
| Roll
| Freeze
| EndTurn
| Help
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ reroll :: GameState -> GameState
reroll (GameState board) = fold (\card -> onReroll card) board

Con: Cards should inform `reroll` if they have special `reroll` behavior that should completely override the default behavior (of subtracting 1 coin and refreshing shop). But special cards can override this behavior. Whether to override the default behavior
Con: Cards should inform `reroll` if they have special `reroll` behavior that should completely override the default behavior (of subtracting 1 coin and rolling shop). But special cards can override this behavior. Whether to override the default behavior
is card specific. This is a nuisance. I can technically make everything composable (no overriding) by adjusting `malchezaar`'s affect to "adding 1 gold and subtracting one health", but that's confusing.

#### Modelling `Peggy`, `Bream Counter`.
Expand Down
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,4 +10,9 @@ to issue commands to the server, etc.
3. flush out server stuff, adding game rooms, authentications, etc.

Note, server and client will be bidirectionally. Server needs to manage phase timers and ping the client when phase changes.
So, the client needs to `forkIO` twice for a sending and receiving thread. The server can have one `fork` per client.
So, the client needs to `forkIO` twice for a sending and receiving thread. The server can have one `fork` per client.

### Aug 1, 2024
Callbacks can be used to implement both in-game logic and game rules. For example, omu's hero power can be implemented via a callback
to `tierUp`. Conversely, maybe `tierUp` can expand the `randomShopSize` via a callback, as opposed to this being built-in. For now,
`randomShop` is directly dependent on `TavernTier`, but maybe that can change.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/View.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ helpMenu =
"| buy <n> or b <n> | Buy card at shop pos <n> |",
"| sell <n> or s <n> | Sell minion at board pos <n> |",
"| play <n> or p <n> | Play minion at hand pos <n> |",
"| refresh or r | Refresh your tavern |",
"| roll or r | Refresh your tavern |",
"| freeze or f | Freeze your tavern |",
"| endturn or e | End your turn |",
"| help or h | Display this menu |",
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/ViewTest.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Card
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.UUID (UUID, fromString)
import Model (CardInstance (..), GameState (..), Phase (..), PlayerState (..), Player (Player))
import Model
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, testCase)
import View (render)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ blankAIState :: PlayerState
blankAIState = blankPlayerState {hp = 5, armor = 0}

blankGameState :: GameState
blankGameState = GameState {playerState = blankPlayerState, aiState = blankAIState, turn = 0}
blankGameState = GameState {playerState = blankPlayerState, aiState = blankAIState, config = Config {maxBoardSize = 7}, turn = 0}

maxItemsGameState :: GameState
maxItemsGameState = blankGameState {playerState = maxItemsPlayerState}
Expand Down

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