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Introduced lenses and got rid of all traces of overloaded record plugin
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BlastWind committed Dec 15, 2024
1 parent 7d96da8 commit 17ab1c5
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Showing 8 changed files with 222 additions and 269 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,10 +45,12 @@ library:
- parsec
- pretty-simple
- text == 2.0.2
- lens
- large-generics == 0.2.2
- large-records == 0.4.1
- record-hasfield
- free == 5.2
- effectful

Expand Down
30 changes: 15 additions & 15 deletions src/Card.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,39 +8,39 @@ pool :: [Card]
pool = [dummy, dumber, triDummy, dumbo, bigDumbo, kingDumbo]

defCard :: Card
defCard = Card {cardName = PlaceHolder, cardTier = -1, baseCost = -1, attack = -1, health = -1, deathrattle = []}
defCard = Card {_cardName = PlaceHolder, _cardTier = -1, _baseCost = -1, _attack = -1, _health = -1, _deathrattle = []}

skeleton :: Card
skeleton = defCard {cardName = Skeleton, cardTier = 1, baseCost = error "Skeleton has no base cost.", attack = 1, health = 1}
skeleton = defCard {_cardName = Skeleton, _cardTier = 1, _baseCost = error "Skeleton has no base cost.", _attack = 1, _health = 1}

harmlessBonehead :: Card
harmlessBonehead =
{ cardName = HarmlessBonehead,
cardTier = 1,
baseCost = 3,
attack = 1,
health = 1,
deathrattle = [Summon (SpecificCard skeleton), Summon (SpecificCard skeleton)]
{ _cardName = HarmlessBonehead,
_cardTier = 1,
_baseCost = 3,
_attack = 1,
_health = 1,
_deathrattle = [Summon (SpecificCard skeleton), Summon (SpecificCard skeleton)]

dummy :: Card
dummy = defCard {cardName = Dummy, cardTier = 1, baseCost = 3, attack = 1, health = 1}
dummy = defCard {_cardName = Dummy, _cardTier = 1, _baseCost = 3, _attack = 1, _health = 1}

dumber :: Card
dumber = defCard {cardName = Dumber, cardTier = 2, baseCost = 3, attack = 2, health = 2}
dumber = defCard {_cardName = Dumber, _cardTier = 2, _baseCost = 3, _attack = 2, _health = 2}

triDummy :: Card
triDummy = defCard {cardName = TriDummy, cardTier = 3, baseCost = 3, attack = 3, health = 3}
triDummy = defCard {_cardName = TriDummy, _cardTier = 3, _baseCost = 3, _attack = 3, _health = 3}

dumbo :: Card
dumbo = defCard {cardName = Dumbo, cardTier = 4, baseCost = 3, attack = 4, health = 4}
dumbo = defCard {_cardName = Dumbo, _cardTier = 4, _baseCost = 3, _attack = 4, _health = 4}

bigDumbo :: Card
bigDumbo = defCard {cardName = BigDumbo, cardTier = 5, baseCost = 3, attack = 5, health = 5}
bigDumbo = defCard {_cardName = BigDumbo, _cardTier = 5, _baseCost = 3, _attack = 5, _health = 5}

kingDumbo :: Card
kingDumbo = defCard {cardName = KingDumbo, cardTier = 6, baseCost = 3, attack = 6, health = 6}
kingDumbo = defCard {_cardName = KingDumbo, _cardTier = 6, _baseCost = 3, _attack = 6, _health = 6}

dummyWithALongNameItKeepsGoing :: Card
dummyWithALongNameItKeepsGoing = defCard {cardName = DummyWithALongNameItKeepsGoing, cardTier = 1, baseCost = 3, attack = 1, health = 1}
dummyWithALongNameItKeepsGoing = defCard {_cardName = DummyWithALongNameItKeepsGoing, _cardTier = 1, _baseCost = 3, _attack = 1, _health = 1}
100 changes: 49 additions & 51 deletions src/Combat.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,16 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordUpdate #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Combat where

import Control.Lens hiding (Index)
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (second))
import Data.List (findIndex, mapAccumL)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Record.Overloading
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Logic (genId)
import Model hiding (turn)
Expand All @@ -30,55 +24,57 @@ fight p1 p2 gs = do
let sim = CombatSimulation [] sequence result
case result of
Tie -> return (gs, sim)
Loss fighter dmg ->
Loss fighter dmg -> do
let loser = case fighter of
One -> Player
Two -> AI
loserState = selectPlayer loser gs
(hp', armor') = dealDmg dmg (loserState.hp, loserState.armor)
loserState' = loserState {hp = hp', armor = armor', alive = hp' > 0}
in return (updatePlayer loser loserState' gs, sim)
(hp', armor') = dealDmg dmg (loserState ^. hp, loserState ^. armor)
loserState' = loserState & hp .~ hp'
& armor .~ armor'
& alive .~ (hp' > 0)
return (updatePlayer loser loserState' gs, sim)

simulateCombat :: (MonadRandom m) => Player -> Player -> GameState -> m CombatHistory
simulateCombat p1 p2 gs = do
let (p1State, p2State) = (selectPlayer p1 gs, selectPlayer p2 gs)
initialAttacker <- initAttacker p1State.board p2State.board
initialAttacker <- initAttacker (p1State ^. board) (p2State ^. board)
(CombatState initialAttacker (FighterState p1State 0) (FighterState p2State 0) gs.config)
(CombatState initialAttacker (FighterState p1State 0) (FighterState p2State 0) (gs ^. config))
[] -- initial board is part of state
go :: (MonadRandom m) => CombatState -> CombatHistory -> m CombatHistory
go combatState history = do
if combatEnded combatState
then return history
else do
let defendingBoard = case combatState.attacker of
One -> combatState.two.playerState.board
Two ->
let defendingBoard = case combatState ^. attacker of
One -> combatState ^. two . fplayerState . board
Two -> combatState ^. one . fplayerState . board
defenderIndex <- getRandomR (0, length defendingBoard - 1)
let (combatState', newHistorySlices) = turn defenderIndex combatState
go combatState' (history ++ newHistorySlices)

combatEnded :: CombatState -> Bool
combatEnded combatState = null || null combatState.two.playerState.board
combatEnded combatState =
null (combatState ^. one . fplayerState . board) ||
null (combatState ^. two . fplayerState . board)

turn ::
DefenderIndex -> -- Since the caller of `turn` specifies the `di`, testing single turns is easy.
CombatState ->
(CombatState, CombatHistory)
turn di cs = (cs''', history)
(attackingState, _) = case cs.attacker of
One -> (, cs.two)
Two -> (cs.two,
cs' = trade attackingState.nextAttackIndex di cs
(attackingState, _) = case cs ^. attacker of
One -> (cs ^. one, cs ^. two)
Two -> (cs ^. two, cs ^. one)
cs' = trade (attackingState ^. nextAttackIndex) di cs
(cs'', snapshots) = handleDeaths cs' -- `handleDeath` does not clean the battleground (clear deaths)
cs''' =
{ attacker = alternate cs''.attacker,
one.playerState.board = clearDeath cs''.one.playerState.board,
two.playerState.board = clearDeath cs''.two.playerState.board
cs''' = cs''
& attacker .~ alternate (cs'' ^. attacker)
& one . fplayerState . board .~ clearDeath (cs'' ^. one . fplayerState . board)
& two . fplayerState . board .~ clearDeath (cs'' ^. two . fplayerState . board)
history = map extractBoards [cs, cs'] ++ [extractBoards cs'' | not (null snapshots)] ++ [extractBoards cs''']

-- handleDeaths is recursive because certain deathrattles cause other minions to die.
Expand All @@ -95,57 +91,59 @@ handleDeaths cs =
prepareDeathrattles = undefined

extractBoards :: CombatState -> (Board, Board)
extractBoards cs = (, cs.two.playerState.board)
extractBoards cs = (cs ^. one . fplayerState . board, cs ^. two . fplayerState . board)

interpCombatEffect :: CombatEffectContext -> CardEffect -> CombatState
interpCombatEffect (CombatEffectContext cs fighter minionId) (Summon (SpecificCard card)) = case fighter of
One -> cs {one = fs'}
Two -> cs {two = fs'}
One -> cs & one .~ fs'
Two -> cs & two .~ fs'
fs = case fighter of
One ->
Two -> cs.two
aliveCount = countAlive fs.playerState.board
summonerInd = dIndex minionId fs.playerState.board -- Summoner is the one who issued the summoning
One -> cs ^. one
Two -> cs ^. two
aliveCount = countAlive (fs ^. fplayerState . board)
summonerInd = dIndex minionId (fs ^. fplayerState . board) -- Summoner is the one who issued the summoning
| aliveCount < 7 =
{ playerState.board = insertAt (summonerInd + 1) (CardInstance card id) fs.playerState.board,
playerState.idGen = idGen'
& fplayerState . board .~ insertAt (summonerInd + 1) (CardInstance card id) (fs ^. fplayerState . board)
& fplayerState . idGen .~ idGen'
| otherwise = fs
(idGen', id) = genId fs.playerState.idGen
(idGen', id) = genId (fs ^. fplayerState . idGen)
interpCombatEffect _ cf = error $ "Effect `" ++ show cf ++ "` is not yet implemented"

countAlive :: Board -> Int
countAlive = undefined

-- deterministically find a minion's index and its index through its id
dIndex :: MinionID -> Board -> Index
dIndex id = fromJust . findIndex (\ci -> == id)
dIndex mId = fromJust . findIndex (\ci -> ci ^. == mId)

clearDeath :: Board -> Board
clearDeath = filter (\ci -> > 0)
clearDeath = filter (\ci -> ci ^. card . health > 0)

-- A single attack, only the involved minions are updated. Cleave logic is handled here.
trade :: AttackerIndex -> DefenderIndex -> CombatState -> CombatState
trade ai di cs = cs'
(attackingBoard, defendingBoard) = case cs.attacker of
One -> (, cs.two.playerState.board)
Two -> (cs.two.playerState.board,
(attackingBoard, defendingBoard) = case cs ^. attacker of
One -> (cs ^. one.fplayerState.board, cs ^. two.fplayerState.board)
Two -> (cs ^. two.fplayerState.board, cs ^. one.fplayerState.board)

(attackingMinion, defendingMinion) = (attackingBoard !! ai, defendingBoard !! di)
(attackingMinion', defendingMinion') = dmgOther (attackingMinion, defendingMinion)
(attackingBoard', defendingBoard') = (setAt ai attackingMinion' attackingBoard, setAt di defendingMinion' defendingBoard)
cs' = case cs.attacker of
One -> cs {one.playerState.board = attackingBoard', two.playerState.board = defendingBoard'}
Two -> cs {one.playerState.board = defendingBoard', two.playerState.board = attackingBoard'}

cs' = case cs ^. attacker of
One -> cs & one.fplayerState.board .~ attackingBoard
& two.fplayerState.board .~ defendingBoard
Two -> cs & one.fplayerState.board .~ defendingBoard
& two.fplayerState.board .~ attackingBoard

dmgOther :: (CardInstance, CardInstance) -> (CardInstance, CardInstance)
dmgOther (attacker, defender) =
( attacker { = - defender.card.attack},
defender { = - attacker.card.attack}
( attacker & card . health .~ attacker ^. card . health - defender ^. card . attack,
defender & card . health .~ defender ^. card . health - attacker ^. card . attack

alternate :: Fighter -> Fighter
Expand All @@ -162,8 +160,8 @@ initAttacker board1 board2

calculateResult :: (Board, Board) -> CombatResult
calculateResult (board1, board2)
| not (null board1) && null board2 = Loss Two (sum $ map (\ci -> ci.card.cardTier) board1)
| null board1 && not (null board2) = Loss One (sum $ map (\ci -> ci.card.cardTier) board2)
| not (null board1) && null board2 = Loss Two (sum $ map (\ci -> ci ^. card . cardTier) board1)
| null board1 && not (null board2) = Loss One (sum $ map (\ci -> ci ^. card . cardTier) board2)
| otherwise = Tie

setAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
Expand Down
71 changes: 33 additions & 38 deletions src/Controller.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,4 @@
-- Controller: Handles input, game loop
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordUpdate #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=Data.Record.Plugin #-}

module Controller (module Controller) where

Expand All @@ -28,6 +17,7 @@ import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
import Text.Pretty.Simple (pPrint, pShow)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import View
import Control.Lens

-- START: Functions for ingesting terminal input as PlayerAction --
-- Examples:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,28 +79,30 @@ playArgParser = do
-- END --

initGameState :: GameState
initGameState = GameState {playerState = defPlayerState, aiState = tutorialAI, turn = 0, config = Config {maxBoardSize = 7, maxHandSize = 10}}
initGameState = GameState {_playerState = defPlayerState, _aiState = tutorialAI, _turn = 0, _config = Config {_maxBoardSize = 7, _maxHandSize = 10}}

tutorialAI :: PlayerState
tutorialAI = mainPlayerState {board = [CardInstance bigDumbo 0], hp = 5}
tutorialAI = mainPlayerState
& board .~ [CardInstance bigDumbo 0]
& hp .~ 5

mainPlayerState :: PlayerState
mainPlayerState =
{ tier = 1,
maxGold = 300, -- By `enter`ing into the first turn, this becomes 3 as required.
curGold = 2,
tierUpCost = 6, -- By `enter`ing into the first turn, this becomes 5 as required.
rerollCost = 1,
shop = [],
board = [],
hand = [],
frozen = False,
hp = 20,
armor = 0,
alive = True,
phase = Recruit,
idGen = IdGen 0
{ _tier = 1,
_maxGold = 300, -- By `enter`ing into the first turn, this becomes 3 as required.
_curGold = 2,
_tierUpCost = 6, -- By `enter`ing into the first turn, this becomes 5 as required.
_rerollCost = 1,
_shop = [],
_board = [],
_hand = [],
_frozen = False,
_hp = 20,
_armor = 0,
_alive = True,
_phase = Recruit,
_idGen = IdGen 0

runGame :: IO ()
Expand All @@ -122,30 +114,33 @@ runGame = do
loop :: (MonadIO m, MonadRandom m) => m GameState -> m GameState
loop mgs = do
gs <- mgs
-- Go to EndScreen if applicable
let gs' = gs {playerState.phase = if isGameOver gs then EndScreen else gs.playerState.phase}
-- trace (TL.unpack $ pShow gs)
case gs'.playerState.phase of
let gs' = gs & playerState.phase %~ \p -> if isGameOver gs then EndScreen else p

case gs' ^. playerState.phase of
Recruit -> do
replenishedPlayer <- replenish gs'.playerState
replenishedAI <- replenish gs'.aiState
let gs'' = gs' {playerState = replenishedPlayer, aiState = replenishedAI}
replenishedPlayer <- replenish (gs' ^. playerState)
replenishedAI <- replenish (gs' ^. aiState)
let gs'' = gs' & playerState .~ replenishedPlayer
& aiState .~ replenishedAI
recruitLoop gs'' >>= (loop . return)

Combat -> do
(gs'', sim) <- fight Player AI gs'
liftIO $ replayCombat 1 sim
liftIO flushInput -- ignore input entered during combat phase
liftIO flushInput
liftIO $ putStrLn "finished playing"
loop $ return gs'' {playerState.phase = Recruit, aiState.phase = Recruit}
loop $ return $ gs'' & playerState.phase .~ Recruit
& aiState.phase .~ Recruit

EndScreen -> do
-- Note EndScreen doesn't invoke `loop`. Game logic stops here.
liftIO $ putStrLn $ endScreenMsg gs'
return gs

_ -> error "Other phases not yet implemented"

recruitLoop :: (MonadIO m, MonadRandom m) => GameState -> m GameState
recruitLoop gs
| gs.playerState.phase == Recruit = do
| gs ^. playerState.phase == Recruit = do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ fmtRecruit gs Player
liftIO $ putStr "> "
liftIO $ hFlush stdout
Expand Down

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