Releases: Baledin/FlyCasual
Version 2.5 - 20241101.03 Update
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android
- Updated to AMG 2024-11-01 point update
- Added new upgrades:
- Electro-Chaff Missiles / Electro-Chaff Cloud
- Rebels have recruited new pilots:
- Gina Moonsong, Battle Over Endor (A/SF-01 B-Wing)
- Braylen Stramm, Battle Over Endor (A/SF-01 B-Wing)
- Adon Fox, Battle Over Endor (A/SF-01 B-Wing)
- Iden Versio's pilot card image has been updated for consistency
- Disabled AI use of Cad Bane (scum pilot) ability to prevent softlocking
- AI can now appropriately handle being ionized
- Lone Wolf will only trigger if you can use the ability, previously spent a charge when no rerolls were remaining
- Fly Casual version checking now working and will prompt when new updates are available
- Corrected missing pilot image for Sinar-Jaemus Test Pilot (First Order / TIE/se Bomber)
Full Changelog: 2.5.20241101.02...v2.5.20241101.03
Version 2.5 - 20241101.01
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android
- Updated to AMG 2024-11-01 point update
- Added new upgrades:
- Torpedoes - Homing Torpedoes
- Talent - Clan Training
- Title - Razor Crest
- Title - Outrider
- Rebels have recruited new pilots:
- Dash Rendar (Freighter for Hire), YT-2400 Light Freighter pilot
- Leebo (Wisdom of Ages), YT-2400 Light Freighter pilot
- First Order have recruited new pilots:
- Lin Gaava (Impetuous Mechanic), TIE/fo Fighter pilot
- Agent Tierny (Persuasive Recruiter), Xi-Class Light Shuttle pilot
- The Republic have recruited new pilots:
- "Odd Ball" (Siege of Coruscant), ARC-170 Starfighter pilot
- "Jag" (Siege of Coruscant), ARC-170 Starfighter pilot
- "Wolffe" (Siege of Coruscant), ARC-170 Starfighter pilot
- Corrected missing shield for Iden Versio - Battle of Yavin
- Corrected Hull value of Sigma 4 - Battle of Yavin
- Corrected Hull value of Sigma 5 - Battle of Yavin
- Corrected Hull value of Sigma 6 - Battle of Yavin
- Corrected Hull value of Sigma 7 - Battle of Yavin
- Fixed crash when adding E-Wing pilot Corran Horn to your squad
- TIE Repears had the wrong ailerons installed, fired the tech and installed Controlled Ailerons instead of Advanced Ailerons
- Fixed Cad Bane (Rogue-Class Starfighter) XWS import issues
- Limited Emperor Palpatine's ability to only appear when a Focus is rolled
- Fixed Aurra Sing abilities to no longer throw a fit with ships holding no tokens
- Fixed a number of pilot and upgrade abilities which referred to Same Team instead of Friendly as target for abilities--these abilities will no longer work with allies (such as from Broken Trust condition)
- Deadeye Shot will now show the upgrade tooltip instead of the hosting ship
- Fixed Beskar Reinforced Plating, charges will now be taken from the upgrade instead of host pilot
- Minor cleanup and bugfixes
Full Changelog: 2.5.20240906.01...v2.5.20241101.01
Version 2.5 - 20241101.02
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android
- Updated to AMG 2024-11-01 point update
- Added new upgrades:
- Crew - Ahsoka Tano (Scum, Republic)
- Crew - Bo-Katan Kryze (Rebel, Scum)
- Crew - Bo-Katan Kryze (Republic, Separatist)
- Gunner - Tiber Saxon (Empire)
- Modification - Mandalorian Optics
- Title - Outrider
- Added Pride of Mandalore asteroids to Obstacles selection
- Added Loose Cargo and Spare Parts debris cloud types
- Added new Imperial pilots
- Lieutenant Karsabi, "Payload Courier" - Alpha-class StarWing (SL)
- Major Vynder "Helping Hand" - Alpha-class StarWing (SL)
- Contingency Protocol now allows you to select one ship to take an action instead of affecting all ships with Contingency Protocol
- Vagabond, TIE/sk Striker (Empire), is now set up to use his ability
- Arvel Crynyd, RZ1 A-Wing (Rebel), can now modify dice when attacking at Range 0
- Captain Oicunn, VT-49 Decimator (Empire), can now modify dice when attacking at Range 0
- Commandant Goran, TIE/in Interceptor (Empire), now uses the erratad ability instead of his original
- Ionized ships can now choose a ion maneuver instead of just using 1 Straight. Ionization also removes active target locks held by the ionized ship (but not locks on the ionized ship)
- Hol Okand, Y-Wing (rebel) now has the correct initiative
- Rigged Cargo Chutes now deploy loose cargo instead of debris clouds
- Spare Parts Canisters now deploy spare parts instead of debris clouds
- Gas Clouds now ionize and break all locks on ships in the cloud
- Droid Tri-Fighters (Siege of Coruscant) standard loadouts now have the correct upgrade slots and appropriate upgrades
Full Changelog: v2.5.20241101.01...v2.5.20241101.02
Version 2.5 - 2.5.20240906.01
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android
- Updated to AMG 2024-09-06 point update
- Enabled Peer-to-Peer Online game mode - this is not fully tested, use at your own risk
- Added additional assets in preparation for future updates
- Added Gunner - Gar Saxon (Scum)
- Added Gunner - Ursa Wren (Republic / Separatist)
- Added Crew - Ursa Wren (Rebel)
- Corrected shields for TIE Advanced x1 pilots Darth Vader: Black Leader (SSP) and Darth Vader: Battle of Yavin (thanks @philpursglove).
- Limited T-65 X-Wing pilot Wedge Antilles: Battle of Yavin ability to only work with primary weapon.
- Set Valen Rudor: Braggadocious Baron (SSP) to Standard Loadout, preventing attempts to add additional upgrades.
- Removed Boost ability from open Servomotor S-Foils on T-65 X-Wings.
- Limited Wedge Antilles (T-65 regular and BoY) ability to ranges greater than 0.
New Contributors
- @philpursglove made their first contribution in #36
Full Changelog: 2.5.20240223.03...2.5.20240906.01
Version 2.5 - 2.5.20240223.03
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android
- Updated Unity version to latest (2023.2.13f1)
- Updated Mirror networking code to latest
- Fixed bug with Tactical Relay Upgrade, Kalani, where the ship which triggered the upgrade would not re-activate following Kalani's activation.
- Fixed error message which appeared when selected "Always" for Whirlwind's ability. Whirlwind should now gain focus tokens as appropriate and allow you set this to always happen.
- Concussion Bombs can now use delayed fuses.
- Beskar Reinforced Plating now checks if it has charges to use, instead of the pilot. This should allow Beskar Reinforced Plating to trigger correctly.
- K2-B4 now allows defender to use Calculate token, instead of trying to steal it from attached ship.
Full Changelog: 2.5.20240223.02...2.5.20240223.03
Version 2.5 - 2.5.20240223.02
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android
- Added the following SSP Standard Loadout Pilots:
- Darth Vader (Black Leader) - TIE Advanced x1
- Maarek Stele (Servant of the Empire) - TIE Advanced x1
- "Night Beast" (Obsidian Two) - TIE/ln Fighter
- Iden Versio (Inferno Leader) - TIE/ln Fighter
- Valen Rudor (Braggadocious Baron) - TIE/ln Fighter
- Captain Jonus (Disciplined Instructor) - TIE/sa Bomber
- Tomax Bren (Brash Maverick) - TIE/sa Bomber
- Luke Skywalker (Red Five) - T-65 X-Wing
- Jek Porkins (Red Six) - T-65 X-Wing
- Horton Salm (Gray Leader) - BTL-A4 Y-Wing
- "Dutch" Vander (Gold Leader) - BTL-A4 Y-Wing
- Arvel Crynyd (Green Leader) - RZ-1 A-Wing
- Jake Ferrell (Sage Instructor) - RZ-1 A-Wing
- Shara Bey (Green Four) - RZ-1 A-Wing
- Updated Rogue Class ships to replace the 4 speed K-turn with speed 5.
- Reworked Integrated, Servomotor, and Stabalized S-Foils for correct loading via XWS. Updated T65 and T70 X-Wings to use new S-Foils.
- Fixed profile avatar images for the following avatars:
- Agent Kallus
- Count Dooku
- Leia Organa - Resistance
- Zeb Orrelios
- Luke Skywalker
Full Changelog: 2.5.20240223.01...2.5.20240223.02
Version 2.5 - 20240223.01 Points Update
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android x64 - Android
- Captain Feroph (Imperial Courier) - Changed loadout from 6pts to 5pts
- Major Rhymer (Scimitar Leader) - Changed loadout from 12pts to 7pts
- Tomax Bren (Brash Maverick) - Changed loadout from 10pts to 7pts
- Gamma Squadron Ace - Changed loadout from 10pts to 8pts
- Bodica Venj (Wrathful Warrior) - Changed loadout from 9pts to 7pts
- Fenn Rau (Mandalorian Protector) - Changed loadout from 10pts to 9pts
- Han Solo (Scoundrel for Hire) - Changed loadout from 20pts to 15pts
- Keo Venzee (Asupicious Ace) - Changed loadout from 8pts to 7pts
- Zorii Bliss (Corsair of Kijimi) - Changed loadout from 11pts to 9pts
- L'ulo L'ampar (Luminous Mentor) - Changed loadout from 12pts to 10pts
- Jessika Pava (The Great Destroyer) - Changed loadout from 7 pts to 6pts
- Padme Amidala (Aggressive Negotiator) - Changed loadout from 18pts to 16pts
Note: This update does not include the new Battle of Endor Standard Loadouts, these will be added as they are developed
- Fix NullReferenceException crash in Tools.IsSameShip
Version 2.5 - 20230908.03 Bug Fix Update
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android x64 - Android
Updated network packages. Networking is not enabled at this point but I am working on making it functional again.
Minor updates to versioning, credits, and file cleanup
Fix for Flight Leader Ubbel NullReferenceException error (thanks to (!)
Version 2.5 - 20230908.02 Point Update
Note, previous build (2.5.20230908) was missing Upgrade point updates. Fixed in this release.
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android
Updated current Pilots and Upgrades to latest (September 8, 2023) Atomic Mass Games Points list
New image for Red Fury Zealot (First Order - TIE/wi Whisper), replacing previously missing image
Corrected images for 7th Sky Corps Pilot and Reaper Squadron Scout (Republic - Clone Z-95 Headhunter) which were swapped
Minor cleanup on Temmin Wexley (Snap and HoH) to align metadata, points, and upgrade bars with correct version
Corrected Patience Force Power to be limited to Light Side instead of Dark Side.
Version 2.5 - 20230908 Point Update
Note, the below build was missing Upgrade point updates. Updated files can be found at Fly Casual v2.5.20230908.02
Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android
Updated current Pilots to latest (September 8, 2023) Atomic Mass Games Points list
New image for Red Fury Zealot (First Order - TIE/wi Whisper), replacing previously missing image
Corrected images for 7th Sky Corps Pilot and Reaper Squadron Scout (Republic - Clone Z-95 Headhunter) which were swapped