Microcontroler based on RP2040 in realy, realy small package 22x22mm with castelated holes and parts on one side.
Compatible with Raspberry Pi Pico. Also have support in the Arduino IDE. Read more here: https://arduino-pico.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ here https://github.com/earlephilhower/arduino-pico or here (CZ) https://chiptron.cz/news.php?readmore=1231
I/O 29x all can be PWM, 4x ADC included
UART 2x, I2C 2x, SPI 2x, debug port
BUILT_IN_LED on pin 25
RGB Led WS2812 on pin 6, can be disconnected if open solder pad near led
Picolo is intended as a community project where anyone can make their own "Picolo Cookie" or "Cookie" extension. These Cookies can be stacked to form a compact tower without the need to connect wires. All produced Cookies will be OSHW (Open Source Hardware) and the source files will be available here on GitHub. Picolo Cookies will be available for purchase at the e-shop www.vokolo.cz. I will add worldwide shipping later or at request.
(CZ) Dotazník pro vývoj Cookies pro Picolo https://bit.ly/Picolo-dotaznik
(CZ) Výsledky dotazníku k nahlédnutí. https://bit.ly/Picolo-odpovedi