========== This is an Arduino library for 7 segment LED display based on WS2812/Neopixel.
You can download stl from Printables.com
Our library depends on the Adafruit_Neopixel library.
#define Pin 3 // Communication pin
#define LedsPerSegment 2 // Leds in segment
#define Format "8" // "88:88:88", "8888" etc.
#define Debug 0 // 0 = Debug in Serial monitor is disabled, 1 = Debug enabled
-Init: Initialize display NeoPixSegment.Init(Arduino Pin, format of the display, debug mode);
-SetColor: Sets color of each or only one segment. NeoPixSegment.SetColor(R, G, B, index);
-SetBlinkInterval: Sets interval for blinking. Time between 100ms and 5000ms. 500ms is default NeoPixSegment.SetBlinkInterval(500);
-SetBrightness: Sets brightness whole display. 0 to 255, 60 is default. NeoPixSegment.SetBrightness(20);
-WriteCharacter: Write one character to the display at index. Char only. NeoPixSegment.WriteCharacter('8', index);
-WriteDotColon: Show or hide colon NeoPixSegment.WriteDotColon(state on/off, index);
-WriteNumber: Write number to the display. Int and byte only. NeoPixSegment.WriteNumber(12, index);
-WriteText: Write char array to the display. Char array only. NeoPixSegment.WriteText('12', index);
-Clear: Clear display or one segment. NeoPixSegment.Clear(index);
-Show: Send data to show on the display. NeoPixSegment.Show();
-SegmentBlink: Set blink with segment NeoPixSegment.SegmentBlink(blink on/off, index);
-ALL_SEGMENTS: Use instead of index, Usable with SetColor, Clear and SegmentBlink. NeoPixSegment.Clear(ALL_SEGMENTS);
The lastest binary version of the Library is always available from the Azuzula GitHub repository https://github.com/Azuzula/NeoPixSegment/
Unzip the content to your Arduino Library folder or use Add .Zip library from menu Sketch.
Support me by buying this product at my e-shop www.vokolo.cz/neopixsegment for Czech and Slovakia customers only. Or send your request to the email [email protected] and we can make a deal.