This application is a role-based Admin Panel built with Angular. It features a modular structure and leverages Angular Material for UI components. The app uses the DummyJSON API for data retrieval and demonstrates essential functionalities such as user authentication, role-based authorization, and product management (CRUD operations).
To test the application, you can use the following sample credentials based on the roles available:
Role | Username | Password |
Admin | emilys |
emilyspass |
Moderator | oliviaw |
oliviawpass |
User | averyp |
averyppass |
User Authentication
Token-based session management (JWT simulation). Token storage and validation after a successful login. Role-Based Authorization
Admin: Full access to product management (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
Moderator: Allowed to create and update products.
User: Read-only access to product listings.
Product Management
CRUD Operations:
Product creation and updates are restricted to Admin and Moderator roles.
Product deletion is restricted to Admin.
All roles can view product listings.
Search functionality within product listings.
Pagination for efficient data navigation.
Filtering options for specific data retrieval.
Modular Architecture
Code is organized into feature modules for better scalability and maintainability. API Integration
Utilizes the DummyJSON API for fetching and managing product data. Angular Guards and Interceptors
AuthGuard: Ensures authentication for accessing specific routes.
RoleGuard: Enforces role-based access control for various features.
HTTP Interceptor: Automatically attaches the token to outgoing requests.
Responsive UI with Angular Material
Includes tables, forms, and modals styled with Angular Material.
Framework: Angular
API Source: DummyJSON API
Styling Library: Angular Material
Routing: Role-based route protection implemented with Angular Guards.
Authentication: Simulated JWT authentication with local storage for token management.
Data Handling: HTTP Client for API communication and interceptors for token management.
Search and Pagination:
Search: Users can search for products within the listings.
Pagination: Listings are paginated to improve usability and performance.
The API endpoints used in this project are documented in Postman. You can view the full documentation at the link below:
View API Documentation on Postman
Install Dependencies
Run npm install to install all required packages.
Start the Application
Run ng serve to start the development server. Access the app at http://localhost:4200.