This is a simple bot for telegram which can store your spendings inside mongoDB. You can customize pretty much everything inside the bot. Also it has a built-in intergration with google-sheets.
To get the bot running simply clone this repo and follow these steps:
- Copy "" as "" within bot/ directory and populate with the settings of your liking
- If you want a google sheet integration follow this guide and place your "client_secret.json" inside bot/ directory
- Build the image with
docker build -t finbot:latest .
- Launch the application with
docker-compose up -d
Just a few things you need to know about this storage in general:
- Please expect bugs here, the whole thing was made for my personal usage mostly, but if you'll follow steps described above it should work on your machine too.
- If you want to use "/" command add the following to your bot via botfather
get_this_month - sometext get_last_30 - sometext export_to_csv - sometext