These modules are written using PureScript and then transpiled into JavaScript. You do not need to know PureScript to use the built versions of the code as it functions as a standard JS library.
Using ES6 modules:
// import the hsimp-purescript module
import setup from "hsimp-purescript";
// the english version of the dictionaries
// feel free to use your own dictionaries, just make sure they have the same format
import characterSets from "hsimp-purescript/dictionaries/characters-sets";
import periods from "hsimp-purescript/dictionaries/periods";
import namedNumbers from "hsimp-purescript/dictionaries/named-numbers";
import dictionary from "hsimp-purescript/dictionaries/top10k";
import patterns from "hsimp-purescript/dictionaries/patterns";
import messages from "hsimp-purescript/dictionaries/checks";
// create the hsimp function
// if passed valid config, setup will return a function
const hsimp = setup({
calculation: {
// the number of calculations per-second
calcs: 40e9,
// characters sets to check
time: {
// a list of how long each period is in seconds
// a list of named numbers
// if the amount of time it will take gets ridiculous, what should be displayed
forever: "Forever",
// if the amount of time is basically immediate, what should be displayed
instantly: "Instantly",
checks: {
// a list of common passwords
// a list of patterns to check
// the messages to display for each check
// to run
const result = hsimp("HowSecureIsMyPassword?");
You will get back an object with the following structure:
// how long it would take to crack the password as a human readable string
time: "42 minutes",
// the highest level of check (e.g. insecure, warning, notice - see below)
level: "notice",
// the checks - in level of importance
checks: [
name: "Character Variety: No Symbols",
message: "Your password only contains numbers and letters. Adding a symbol can make your password more secure. Don\'t forget you can often use spaces in passwords.",
level: "notice",
// ...and so on
See dist/test.js
for a fully working version of the code in Node.
There are five levels:
: a really bad password, probably very commonwarning
: might be ok, but things to be aware ofeaster-egg
: they've found something sillynotice
: nothing majorachievement
: something to be proud of
To build the code you'll require pulp
. Then just run make
. However, the latest build should always be available in the dist